HLZ Touchdown Points Tool

Given a previously generated suitable area, the HLZ Touchdown Points tool is used to create two feature classes containing possible touchdown point circles and center points for a selected aircraft.

To analyze possible touchdown point circles and center points, identify the following:

  1. Input Airframe Specification Table - This table contains the aircraft specifications.
    • Select the table from the map, or
    • Provide your own specification table with the same attribute fields.
  2. Airframe - The type of airframe for which the touchdown points should be generated.
    • Select the airframe you want to analyze.
  3. Input Suitable Areas - The layer containing the polygon features that have been identified by previous analysis as being suitable for helicopter landing zones.
    • Select the SuitableAreas layer that is in the map, or
    • Browse to a suitable areas vector.
  4. Input Slope - The input slope raster.
    • Select the slope layer that is in the map, or
    • Browse to an slope raster.
  5. Output Geodatabase - The geodatabase in which the touchdown points generated will be stored.
  6. Output TDP Centerpoint Features - The feature class that will contain the center points of the touchdown points.
  7. Output TDP Circle Features - The feature class that will contain the buffer circles around the touchdown point centers.

