layout: emergency title: Configure application - Shelter Locator css: - documentation/base js: - 1.0/ui/jqcollapsible guid: GUID-59B3BEA6-97C7-4D7B-A9B2-0E110C67E674 metatags: - ---

Configure application

The Shelter Locator application consumes the ArcGIS Online map you authored and geographic information from your organization.

The application can also draw routes and provide directions using the ArcGIS Online World Route Service. The World Route Service is an ArcGIS Online for organizations subscription service that uses credits when routes are generated.

Learn more about credit usage when creating simple routes

To use routing for this application, an ArcGIS Online for organizations subscription is required and routing must be enabled in the configuration file. To use this application without drawing routes and providing directions, disable routing in the configuration file. When routing is disabled, the application maintains all other functionality.

Shelter Locator

To configure the Shelter Locator application, complete the following steps:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the <your directory>\Application\ShelterLocator\js folder and open the config.js file in Microsoft Notepad or another text editor.
  2. Enter the web map ID for your shelter locator map.
            WebMapId: "daa3eeae86954f4cba87c044466c4c2f",
  3. Enter the name of your Shelters layer and index number of your Shelters service in the Activity Search Settings.
            ActivitySearchSettings: [{
            Enable: true,
            UnifiedSearch: "true",
            Title: "Shelter Locations",
            QueryLayerId: "0",
            SearchDisplayTitle: "Shelter Name",
            SearchDisplayFields: "${FACNAME}",
            SearchExpression: "UPPER(FACNAME) LIKE UPPER('${0}%')",
  4. Set the value of the GetDirections parameter in the Driving Directions Settings to true or false.
    true Application draws routes and provide directions.
    false Application will not draw routes or provide directions.
            DrivingDirectionSettings: {
                GetDirections: true,
                RouteServiceURL: "",
                RouteColor: "0,0,225",
                RouteWidth: 6,
                Transparency: "0.5",
                RouteUnit: "MILES"
  5. Save the file and exit.