Configure enterprise logins

To access the enterprise login functionality, the Briefing Book application must be registered with an ArcGIS organizational account.

Add and register an application with your ArcGIS organizational account (Optional)

To register your application, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the application to your ArcGIS Online for organizations account using the following parameters:
    • The item is: An Application and item type is Web Mapping
    • URL: Type the URL for you application
    • Purpose: Ready To Use
    • API: JavaScript
    • Title: Type the application title
    • Tags: Add the application tags
  2. Register your app using the following parameters:
    • App Type: Browser
    • Redirect URI: Type the fully qualified URI for your server and the web server port. This is usually port 80, not the port for ArcGIS for Server (port 6080), for example http://servername.domain:[80].
  3. Copy the App ID and App Secret values to a text file for use later in the configuration.

Configuring the application

To configure the application, complete the following steps

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the BriefingBook folder and open the Config.js file in Microsoft Notepad or another text editor.
  2. Copy the App ID values from the text file to the OAuthAppid parameter.