Configure application

The Campus Place Locator application consumes services that are accessible to employees, students, and visitors on your campus. You can configure the Campus Place Locator application and share it with employees, students, and visitors. They can then access the application on their smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Campus Place Locator

To configure the Campus Place Locator application, complete the following steps:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to <your directory>\Application\CampusPlaceLocator\js\config and open the config.js file in Microsoft Notepad or another text editor.
  2. Enter the web map ID for your Campus Place Locator map.
            WebMapId: "daa3eeae86954f4cba87c044466c4c2f",
  3. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Campus or Campus Grey Scale basemap in the customBasemap setting.
              customBasemaps: [{
                    'title': 'Campus',
                    'thumbnailUrl': 'assets/images/Campus_Basemap_Color_Thumb.png',
                    'baseMapLayers': [{
                        url: ''
                    }, {
                        url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/Campus/MapServer'
  4. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Building Interior - Building Floors layer and index number of your service in the buildingLayerInfo setting.
              buildingLayerInfo: {
                    url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/BuildingInterior/FeatureServer/3',
                    layerNum: 3, 
                    buildingField: 'BUILDINGID',
                    labelField: 'LONGNAME',
                    addToMap: true, 
                    showInLegend: false,
                    floorFilter: false 
  5. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Building Interior - Building Floors layer and index number of your service in the floorLayerInfo setting.
              floorLayerInfo: {
                    url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/BuildingInterior/FeatureServer/2',
                    layerNum: 2,
                    buildingField: 'BUILDINGKEY',
                    floorField: 'FLOOR',
                    addToMap: true,
                    showInLegend: true,
                    titleForLegend: 'Floors',  
                    floorFilter: true 
  6. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Building Interior - Interior Space Type layer, index number of your service, and relationshipid for the Employee Info Table layer in the roomLayerInfo setting.
              roomLayerInfo: {
                    url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/BuildingInterior/FeatureServer/1',
                    layerNum: 1,
                    oidField: 'OBJECTID',
                    relationshipId: 0, 
                    buildingField: 'BUILDING',
                    floorField: 'FLOOR',
                    roomField: 'SPACEID', 
                    addToMap: true,
                    showInLegend: true,
                    titleForLegend: 'Rooms', 
                    floorFilter: true,
                    popupFields: [
                        {fieldName: 'SPACEID', label: 'Room Number'},
                        {fieldName: 'SHORTNAME', label: 'Room Name'},
                        {fieldName: 'DESCRIP', label: 'Description'},
                        {fieldName: 'CAPACITY', label: 'Capacity'}
  7. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Building Interior - Lines layer and index number of your service in the lineLayerInfo setting.
              lineLayerInfo: {
                    url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/BuildingInterior/FeatureServer/0',
                    layerNum: 0,
                    buildingField: 'BUILDINGKEY',
                    floorField: 'FLOOR',
                    addToMap: true,
                    showInLegend: false,
                    floorFilter: true
  8. Enter the ArcGIS Services Directory URL for your Employee Info table layer, index number of your service, and relationshipid in the personQueryLayerInfo setting.
              personQueryLayerInfo: {
                    url: 'http://yourserver/ArcGIS/rest/services/BuildingInterior/FeatureServer/4',
                    layerNum: 4,
                    addToMap: false,
                    oidField: 'OBJECTID',
                    relationshipId: 0, 
                    relationshipField: 'LOCATION',  
                    popupFields: [
                        {fieldName: 'KNOWNAS', label: 'Employee Name'},
                        {fieldName: 'EMAIL', label: 'Email',
                            formatter: function(val) {
                                return 'href="mailto:' + val + '">' + val + ';
                        {fieldName: 'EXTENSION', label: 'Extension'},
                        {fieldName: 'COSTCTRN', label: 'Cost Center'},
                        {fieldName: 'LOCATION', label: 'Location'}
  9. Save the file and exit.