Host your configuration on ArcGIS Online

If you've downloaded the Finder code and done some additional configuration you can host your configuration of the Finder application in ArcGIS Online or your Portal for ArcGIS.

To share a webmap using your edited configuration of Finder, create a new application template item in your organization that points to Esri's code for the app. Apply your configuration to this new app template and share it with your organization's Web App Templates group. Members of your organization can now share web maps using your edited Finder app template.

Locate the existing app template

Your configuration will be applied to an existing template, and the new application item you will create must reference the location of the existing application code.

To locate an existing template, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS account.
  2. Go to the Gallery and change the view to Esri Featured Content.
  3. In the filters on the left side of the gallery click Apps > Configurable Apps and open the Details page for the Finder app.
  4. Find the Properties section and copy the URL to application code.

Create a new app item

Create a new item in ArcGIS Online that points to Esri's application code, but uses your edited configuration parameters.

To add a new app item, complete the following steps:

  1. Add an item and configure the item as a JavaScript application that is Configurable for Web Mapping.
  2. When asked for the application URL, use the URL copied from the application description. This URL will likely change as you interact with this dialog; this is ok for now but will need to be fixed later.
  3. Add a title and tags that describe the modifications you've made to the configuration. Keep in mind that this item is the template that will be available in the Make a Web Application gallery, not the final application that will display your map.
  4. Once the item has been created, edit the item's details and fix the URL property. The title, thumbnail, summary, description, access and use constraints, tags, and credits can also be updated.
  5. Copy the contents of your modified configuration file into the Configuration Parameters text box and click the Save button.

Add the template to your template gallery

To share maps using your new template, the template must be accessible in the Make a Web Application gallery. These steps may require Administrative access to the organization.

To add the new template to your organization's app template gallery, complete the following steps:

  1. Confirm that your organization uses a custom Web App Templates group by browsing to Organization > Edit Settings > Map. If the value of the Web App Templates setting is Esri Default, create a new group for the items you'd like displayed in your organizations Make a Web Application Gallery, then change this setting to point to your new group.
  2. Share your new application item with your organization's Web App Templates group.

Now when members of your organization create an app from a map, your edited application template will appear in the application gallery.
