Additional configuration

Use the config.js to configure the Live, Work, Locate application to your organization's needs.

General settings

The application title, icon, theme, splash window, and tooltip content can be changed by modifying the following parameters:

Parameter Description
ApplicationName Title of the application. This title displays at the top of the application.
ApplicationIcon Icon displayed in the upper left corner of the application.
ApplicationFavIcon Icon used for a shortcut to the application.
SplashScreen Message displayed when the application starts.
ExitButtonTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the exit button.
DriveTimeButtonTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the drive time button in the search panel.
WalkTimeButtonTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the walk time button in the search panel.
ExpandResultTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the expand button in the search panel. The expand button appears after you've completed a search and clicked on a search result, you'll see the expand button next to What's nearby?.
CollapseResultTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the collapse button in the search panel. The collapse button appears after you've completed a search and clicked on the search result, you'll see the collapse button after you've expanded the search results.
ResultsPanelTitleText Title of the result, which appears in the search panel after the search is completed and the result has been clicked on.
SwitchWorkflowsTooltip Tip that appears when the cursor is hovering over the workflow button (for example, Maryland's Community, LIVE, LOCATE) in the top left corner of the application.
    // Set application title
    ApplicationName:"Maryland's Community",
    // Set application icon path
    // Set application Favicon path
    // Set splash window content - Message that appears when the application starts
    SplashScreen: {
    Message:"Please select an app to continue",
    isVisible: true
    //ExitButtonTooltip: Specify tooltip text for exit workflow button
    ExitButtonTooltip: "Exit",
    //DriveTimeButtonTooltip : Specify tooltip text for switch to drivetime button in distance slider
    DriveTimeButtonTooltip: "Drive Time",
    //ExpandResultTooltip: Specify tooltip text for expand results button in results panel
    ExpandResultTooltip: "Expand Result",
    //CollapseResultTooltip: Specify tooltip text for collapse results button in results panel
    CollapseResultTooltip: "Collapse Result",
    //ResultsPanelTitleText: Specify label text for title of results panel
    ResultsPanelTitleText: "What's nearby?",
    //SwitchWorkflowsTooltip: Specify tooltip text for switch workflow buttons in header
    SwitchWorkflowsTooltip: "Click to switch workflows",


Basemap settings

Optionally, change the group name and owner if you would like to use your own basemaps.

Parameter Description
PortalAPIURL Replace with your portal URL if you are using Portal for ArcGIS.
BasemapGroupTitle The group that contains the basemaps used in the basemap switcher. The basemap group must be shared with everyone.
BasemapGroupOwner The name of owner of the basemaps group.
BasemapSpatialReferenceWKID The spatial reference for all of the basemaps.
NoThumbnail Basemap thumbnail displayed in the basemap switcher. A basemap thumbnail is only necessary if a thumbnail image does not exist.
    // Specify URL to ArcGIS Portal REST API
    PortalAPIURL: "",
    // Specify the title of group that contains basemaps
    BasemapGroupTitle: "Basemaps",
    // Specify the user name of owner of the group that contains basemaps
    BasemapGroupOwner: "GISITAdmin",
    // Specify spatial reference for basemaps, since all basemaps need to use the same spatial reference
    BasemapSpatialReferenceWKID: 102100,
    // Specify path to image used to display the thumbnail for a basemap when portal does not provide it
    NoThumbnail: "js/library/themes/images/not-available.png",


Default extent

Defines the geographic area visible in your application when it initially loads.

Parameter Description
DefaultExtent Initial map extent in the application. The coordinates must be specified in the basemaps coordinate system, unless you're using a custom basemap.
    // Initial map extent. Use a comma (,) to separate values and don't delete the last comma.
    DefaultExtent:"-9412951.815477943,4480918.013545, -7742344.125277582,5077738.330395495",,


Workflow settings

The name and appearance of each workflow can be configured.

Parameter Description
Name The name of the workflow as it appears on the splash screen and on the application's header widget. The name must not contain any spaces.
Visible Determines whether the workflow is visible and can be selected on the splash screen or on the application's header widget.
  • true to display the workflow
  • false to hide the workflow
SplashscreenImage Image used on the splash screen for the selected workflow.
ThemeColor Theme and color of the application window for the selected workflow. See the styles folder for alternative CSS files.
    Workflows: [{
    Name: "LIVE",
    Visible: false,
    SplashscreenImage: "js/library/themes/images/live-img.png",
    ThemeColor: "js/library/themes/styles/blueTheme.css",


Map settings

The application consumes an ArcGIS Online map. To specify which map should be used, provide the web map ID.

Parameter Description
WebMapId The identifier for the map containing the operational layers for the Live, Work, Locate application.


Search settings

The application can be configured to search one or more layers.

Parameter Description
UnifiedSearch Searches the specified layers in the SearchSettings.
  • True to search the layer
  • False to exclude the layer from the search
Title The map layer name defined in the ArcGIS Online map.
QueryLayerId Layer index number used to perform queries. The map layer QueryLayerId setting must match the layer's index number on the map's item page.
SearchDisplayTitle Title of the grouped search results.
SearchDisplayFields Field containing values displayed in the search panel, after the search is completed and the grouped search result is expanded.
SearchExpression Query expression containing fields used in searching.
    UnifiedSearch: "true",
    QueryLayerId: "53",
    SearchDisplayTitle: "Home Median Price",
    SearchDisplayFields: "${sitename} / ${city}",
    SearchExpression:"UPPER(sitename) LIKE UPPER('${0}%') OR UPPER(city) LIKE UPPER('${0}%') OR UPPER(county) LIKE UPPER('${0}%') OR UPPER(orgname) LIKE UPPER('${0}')",


Address search settings

By default, the application is configured to use ArcGIS Online geocoding service. To use your geolocator or to modify location-related parameters such as the default search address, modify the following parameters:

Parameter Description
DisplayText Name of the tab from which addresses can be searched.
LocatorDefaultAddress Default search address
    LocatorDefaultAddress:"4401 Hartwick Rd, College Park, Maryland, 20740",


Drive time settings

The drive time symbology which displays the travel time extent based on the distance chosen with the time slider, can be changed by modifying the following parameters:

Parameter Description
FillSymbolColor Polygon fill symbol in RGB values
FillSymbolTransparency Transparency percentage applied to the polygon symbol
LineSymbolColor Line fill symbol in RGB values
LineSymbolTransparency Transparency percentage applied to the line symbol
    DriveTimePolygonSymbology: {
    FillSymbolTransparency: "0.4",
    LineSymbolColor: "255,255,102",
    LineSymbolTransparency: "1"

