Additional configuration

Use the config.js to configure the Public Notification application to your organization's needs.

General settings

The application title, icon, and splash window content can be changed by modifying the following parameters:

Parameter Description
ApplicationName Title of the application. This title displays at the top of the application.
ApplicationIcon Icon displayed in the upper left corner of the application.
ApplicationFavIcon Icon used for a shortcut to the application.
SplashScreen Message displayed when the application starts.
// Set application title
ApplicationName: "Public Notification",
// Set application icon path
ApplicationIcon: "/js/library/themes/images/publicnotification.png",
// Set application Favicon path
ApplicationFavicon: "/js/library/themes/images/favicon.ico",
//Set splash window content - Message that appears when the application starts
SplashScreen: {
     SplashScreenContent: "Public Notification The Public Notification application allows local government staff to identify properties within a given distance (buffer) of a subject property or roadway; or identify properties with a given administrative area (ex. school district).  Once a given set of properties have been identified, mailing labels and/or a structured text file can be generated for owners and occupants and used in public notification workflows.",
     IsVisible: true


Header Widget Settings

To modify pop-up formatting, use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
InfoPopupHeight Maximum height of the info pop-up in pixels.
InfoPopupWidth Maximum width of the info pop-up in pixels.
// Set size of the info-Popup - select maximum height and width in pixels (not applicable for tabbed info-Popup)
//minimum height should be 310 for the info-popup in pixels
InfoPopupHeight: 300,
// Minimum width should be 330 for the info-popup in pixels
InfoPopupWidth: 350,


Basemap settings

The REST endpoints for the Streets, Imagery, and Topographic basemaps are provided, but these URLs can be replaced with the REST endpoints for other basemaps. All basemaps listed must use the same spatial reference system. By default, the first basemap is visible when the application loads.

Parameter Description
MapURL REST endpoint for a cached or tiled map service.
MapURL: "http:///arcgis/rest/services/GeneralPurposeBasemap/MapServer"


Default extent

Define the geographic area visible in your application when it initially loads.

Parameter Description
DefaultExtent Initial map extent in the application.

// Initial map extent. Use comma (,) to separate values and dont delete the last comma
DefaultExtent: "-9817210,5127895,-9814287,5127905",


Overlay layer settings

Optionally, the application can have overlay layers. The overlay layer is usually an administrative area, for example a school district, township, or any other type of administrative boundary. The administrative area should be polygon and is usually vertically integrated with the parcel boundaries layer.

Configure the application to search your overlay layer or layers using the following parameters:

Parameter Description
OverlayHighlightColor The color of the selected polygon in hexadecimal form.
DisplayTitle Title of the grouped search results.
LayerUrl REST endpoint of the service containing the administrative area features.
SearchDisplayFields Field containing values displayed in the search results, after the search is completed the result are grouped.
SearchExpression Query expression used when searching for the administrative area by name.
InfoWindowTitleFields Field containing information about the administrative area polygon.
DisplayText Label for the InfoWindowTitleFields value.
FieldName Field containing information about the administrative area polygon.
AliasField Label for the FieldName value.
OverlayLayerSettings: [
    OverlayHighlightColor: "#1C86EE",
    DisplayTitle: "School Name",
    LayerUrl: "http:///arcgis/rest/services/AdministrativeAreas/FeatureServer/0",
    SearchDisplayFields: "NAME",
    SearchExpression: "UPPER(NAME) LIKE '%${0}%' OR UPPER(NAME) LIKE '%${0}%'",
    InfoWindowSettings: [{
        InfoWindowTitleFields: "NAME",
        InfoWindowData: [{
            DisplayText: "School District:",
            FieldName: "NAME",
            AliasField: "School District Name"
        }, {
            DisplayText: "District Area (sq mi):",
            FieldName: "DISTAREA",
            AliasField: "Area in Square Miles"


Query fields

The application requires query fields to define what information should be queried from the parcel layer.

To configure the query fields, use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
QueryOutFields Fields used to be query in the parcel layer.
//Fields to be queried


Buffer distances

The application defines the maximum and default buffer distance. Use the following parameters to configure the defaults:

Parameter Description
MaxBufferDistance Define the maximum buffer distance in miles.
DefaultBufferDistance Define the default buffer distance in miles.
//Maximum Buffer Distance
MaxBufferDistance: 2000,
//Buffer Distance
DefaultBufferDistance: 100,


Operational data settings

The application requires the configuration of the layers for parcel and road centerlines services. To use your parcel and road centerline services, modify the following parameters:

Parameter Description
LayerUrl REST endpoint of the service containing the parcel and road centerlines features.
SearchDisplayFields Field containing values displayed in the search results.
SearchExpression Query expression used when searching for parcel and road centerline by name.
InfoWindowTitleFields Field containing information about the parcel and road centerline features.
DisplayText Label for the InfoWindowTitleFields value.
FieldName Field containing information about the parcel and road centerline features.
AliasField Label for the FieldName value.
LayerUrl: "http:///arcgis/rest/services/TaxParcelQuery/FeatureServer/0",
SearchDisplayFields: "PARCELID,SITEADDRESS",
SearchExpression: "UPPER(PARCELID) LIKE '%${0}%' OR UPPER(SITEADDRESS) LIKE '%${0}%'",
InfoWindowSettings: [{
    InfoWindowTitleFields: "Site Address,SITEADDRESS",
    InfoWindowData: [{
        DisplayText: "Parcel ID:",
        FieldName: "PARCELID",
        AliasField: "Parcel Identification Number"
    }, {


Avery label settings

The application requires geoprocessing services to create Avery labels. To use your geoprocessing services, modify the following parameters:

Parameter Description
PDFServiceTask Geoprocessing service used to create a PDF file of addresses suitable for printing on Avery label sheets.
CSVServiceTask Geoprocessing service used to create a CSV file for the mailing addresses.
OccupantLabel Hint text displayed for the Occupant Layer.
OccupantFields Fields used to create the occupants mailing address.
AveryFieldsCollection Fields used to create the mailing address on Avery label sheets.
CsvFieldsCollection Fields used to create the mailing address in the CSV file.
LowParcelIdentification Field containing low parcel identification number.
ParcelIdentification Field containing parcel identification number.
AliasParcelField Label for the ParcelIdentification value.
SiteAddress Field containing site address information.
AveryLabelSettings: [{
// Geoprocessing services for PDF creation
PDFServiceTask: "http:///arcgis/rest/services/PublicNotification/GPServer/GenerateAveryLabels",

// Geoprocessing service for CSV file creation
CSVServiceTask: "http:///arcgis/rest/services/PublicNotification/GPServer/GenerateCSVMailingList",
//Label to be displayed for Occupant
OccupantLabel: "Occupant",
//Fields of the occupant
//Fields for Avery labels
//Fields for CSV files
//Fields information for parcels
ParcelInformation: {
    LowParcelIdentification: "LOWPARCELID",
    ParcelIdentification: "PARCELID",
    AliasParcelField: "Parcel Identification Number",
    SiteAddress: "SITEADDRESS"


Geometry service settings

The application requires the configuration of a geometry service. You can use the Esri provided geometry service (default) or, you can publish your own by configuring the services in the following parameter:

Parameter Description
GeometryService Geometry service URL.
// Set geometry service URL
GeometryService: "",

