This item has been moved to mature support.

Intersecting features

The Value Method field in the DynamicValue table defines the actions that occur when the Attribute Assistant is enabled and features are modified or created in ArcMap. Four fields in the DynamicValue table (Value Method, Table Name, Field Name, and Value Info) must be configured to use an Attribute Assistant method. The remaining fields define when the Attribute Assistant method should be applied.

The following 14 Attribute Assistant methods can be configured in your DynamicValue table:

Method Description
Intersecting Boolean Stores a value if the triggering feature intersects a feature in the specified layer.
Intersecting Count Calculates the number of intersecting features and stores the count in the specified field.
Intersecting Edge Copies a field value from the first intersecting edge feature.
Intersecting Feature Copies a value from an intersecting feature in the specified layer.
Intersecting Feature Distance Calculates the distance along a line feature where a line is intersected by another feature.
Intersecting Layer Details Extracts the name or file path of an intersecting layer.
Intersecting Raster Extracts a raster cell value at a feature location. If the feature is a line or polygon, the raster value at the feature centroid is used.
Intersecting Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for intersecting features.
Multiple Field Intersecting Values Copies values from new intersecting features into a target layer.
Nearest Feature Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
Nearest Feature Attributes Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
Split Intersecting Feature Splits features that intersect with features in a source layer.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event Intersecting Feature Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the intersecting features.
Update Intersecting Feature Updates a field in an intersecting feature with a value or a field value from the modified or created feature.

Intersecting Boolean

Stores a value if the triggering feature intersects a feature in the specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field into which value will be stored INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN Layer|{True Value}|{False Value}

This rule can be configured on all features.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Layer Feature class or feature layer List of features which may intersect the lines in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
True Value (Optional) <Null> (Default) Store the value 1 when an intersecting feature is found.
Value Store this value when an intersecting feature is found.
False Value (Optional) <Null> (Default) Store the value 0 when an intersecting feature is not found.
Value Store this value when an intersecting feature is not found.


If the current feature in the proposedSites layer intersects a feature in the serviceTerritory layer, store 1 in the LOCATION field; otherwise, store 0:

  • Table Name: proposedSites
  • Field Name: LOCATION
  • Value Info: serviceTerritory

If the current feature in the proposedSites layer intersects a feature in the serviceTerritory layer, store 1.25 in the MODIFIER field; otherwise, store 1.75:

  • Table Name: proposedSites
  • Field Name: MODIFIER
  • Value Info: serviceTerritory|1.25|1.75

Intersecting Count

Calculates the number of intersecting features and stores the count in the specified field.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field into which the count will be copied INTERSECTING_COUNT Source

This rule can be configured on polygon features, and the count value must be populated in Floating or Short fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Feature class or feature layer Intersecting features from which a count will be calculated.


Stores the number of intersecting features between the current feature in the proposedSites layer and the serviceTerritory layer in the INTER field:

  • Table Name: proposedSites
  • Field Name: INTER
  • Value Info: serviceTerritory

Intersecting Edge

Copies a field value from the first intersecting edge feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field into which the values will be copied INTERSECTING_EDGE Field

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name Field to copy from the intersecting edge.


Copies the value from the DIAM field in the first intersecting edge feature and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the wPipes layer:

  • Table Name: wPipes
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: DIAM

Intersecting Feature

Copies a value from an intersecting feature in the specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field for the intersecting values INTERSECTING_FEATURE Input|Source|{Method}|{Not Found}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Input String List of layers to search for intersecting features in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Source Field name Field from the intersecting feature to copy.
Method (Optional) F (Default) Return the first result found.
P Present dialog box of intersecting features.
C Use the centroid as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id.
CP Use the centroid as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features.
S Use the start point of the line as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id.
SP Use the start point of the line as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features.
E Use the end point of the line as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id.
EP Use the end point of the line as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features.
H Use the feature with the highest object id.
Not Found (Optional) True If no intersecting feature is found, existing values will be set to null.
False (Default) If no intersecting feature is found, value will remain.


Copies the value from the DIAM field in the first intersecting feature and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the wHydrant layer:

  • Table Name: wHydrant
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: wMain|DIAM

Finds all intersecting features in the ssPressurizedMain and ssGravityMain layers and presents the user with a dialog box of intersecting features from which to choose. If there are no intersecting features, the DIAMETER field in the ssManhole layer will not be overwritten:

  • Table Name: ssManhole
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|DIAM|P|False

Copies the value from the DIAM field in the intersecting feature with the highest Object ID value and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the ssFitting layer. If there are no intersecting features, the DIAMETER field in the ssManhole layer will be set to Null::

  • Table Name: ssFitting
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAM|H|True

Intersecting Feature Distance

Calculates the distance along a line feature where a line is intersected by another feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to hold the distance measurement INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE Source|Identifier

This rule can only be configured on numeric or text fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Feature class or feature layer List of features which may intersect in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Identifier Field name Field identifying the intersecting feature


Finds the intersecting feature in the ssPressurizedMain or ssGravityMain layer and calculates the distance from the start point to the current feature. The distance will be copied to the DISTALONG field in the ssManhole layer:

  • Table Name: ssManhole
  • Field Name: DISTALONG
  • Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|FACILITYID

Populates the DISTDESC field with a string similar to "123.45 Feet along Pressurized Mains with Facility Identifier PM-0025":

  • Table Name: ssManhole
  • Field Name: DISTDESC
  • Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|FACILITYID

Intersecting Layer Details

Extracts the name or file path of an intersecting layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to hold the details of the intersecting feature INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS Source|Result|Method|{Filter}

This rule can only be configured on String fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source RASTER Extract details for intersecting rasters only.
VECTOR Extract details for intersecting vector features only.
BOTH Extract details for intersecting rasters and vectors.
List of feature classes or feature layers Extract details for intersecting features from a defined list of feature classes or feature layers in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Result P Extract the full path of the intersecting feature class.
N Name of the intersecting layer.
F The name of the feature class.
Method C Search using centroids.
P Prompt for search method.
F Return the first result found.
Filter (Optional) String Restrict the intersecting features to those matching a wildcard filter.


Copies the source name of the first intersecting raster and stores this value in the ZONE field in the sites layer:

  • Table Name: sites
  • Field Name: ZONE
  • Value Info: RASTER|F|F

Copies the full path of the first intersecting feature in the ssPressurizedMain or ssGravityMain layers and stores this value in the PIPE field in the ssManhole layer:

  • Table Name: ssManhole
  • Field Name: PIPE
  • Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|P|F

Presents the user with a dialog box of all intersecting vector layers containing the text "Main"; the selected layer name is copied:

  • Table Name: ssManhole
  • Field Name: PIPE
  • Value Info: VECTOR|N|P|Main

Intersecting Raster

Extracts a raster cell value at a feature location. If the feature is a line or polygon, the raster value at the feature centroid is used.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to hold the extracted value INTERSECTING_RASTER Source|{Label}

If a label is specified and the target field is not a text field, the label will be omitted.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Raster Raster from which the value will be extracted. A list of rasters may be entered in the format raster1,raster2,etc.
Label (Optional) String Prepend text; omitted if left blank.


Copies the current cell value from the FiveMeterSurface raster in the ELEV field in the wHydrant layer:

  • Table Name: wHydrant
  • Field Name: ELEV
  • Value Info: FiveMeterSurface

Concatenates "Elevation: " with the current raster cell value:

  • Table Name: wHydrant
  • Field Name: ELEV
  • Value Info: FiveMeterSurface|Elevation:

Intersecting Statistics

Calculates statistics on a specified field for intersecting features.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Table or feature class Field to store the statistics INTERSECT_STATS Source|Source Field|Statistic|Neighborhood|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder}

This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Layer or feature class Intersecting features
Source Field Field name Numeric field to analyze
Statistic Min Minimum value
Max Maximum value
Sum Sum of all values
Mean Mean value
Concat Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed.
Neighborhood Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.
Delimiter (Optional) Any character except | is valid; the default is ,. Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat.
SortOrder (Optional) ASC Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.
DESC Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.


Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field from all features in the ssGravityMain layer within 25 units of the current feature into the MAXDIAM field in the junctions feature class:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Max|25

Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Concat|25

Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Concat|25|;|DESC

Multiple Field Intersecting Values

Copies values from new intersecting features into a target layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class with which features will intersect Null or blank MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT Source|Source Field|Target Fields|Neighborhood


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Layers or feature classes Intersecting layer from which values will be copied; multiple layers can be specified in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Source Field Field name Field from which values will be copied.
Target Fields Field name List of fields to which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc.
Neighborhood Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.


Finds all features from the ssGravityMain layer that intersect the current feature in the manhole layer. For each feature in ssGravityMain that intersects, copy the DIAMETER field value into the D1, D2, and D3 fields in the manhole layer. In this example, if there are three features in ssGravityMain - with diameters of 6, 7, and 8 - that intersect the current manhole feature, then these values will be copied to D1, D2, and D3, respectively.

  • Table Name: manhole
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|D1,D2,D3|0

Finds all features in the ssGravityMain and ssSewerMain layers that are within 25 units:

  • Table Name: manhole
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: ssGravityMain,ssSewerMain|DIAMETER|D1,D2,D3|25

Nearest Feature

Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to which the values will be copied NEAREST_FEATURE Source|Source Field|Neighborhood|{Source Filter}|{Target Filter}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Feature layer or feature class List of datasets that may contain the nearest feature in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Source Field Field name Field from which values will be copied.
Neighborhood Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.
Source Filter (Optional) Field name Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Target Filter field.
Target Filter (Optional) Field name Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Source Filter field.


Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature. Store the value from the ACC field into the ACCOUNT field of the wLateralLine layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter|ACC

Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature within 100 units:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC|100

Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature whose DIAM is the same as current feature's DIAMETER:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC||DIAM|DIAMETER

Nearest Feature Attributes

Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Null or blank NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES Source|Source Fields|Target Fields|{Neighborhood}|{Reset to Default}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Line feature layer or feature class Dataset near the target dataset.
Source Fields Field name List of fields from which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Target Fields.
Target Fields Field name List of fields to which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Source Fields.
Neighborhood (Optional) <Null> (Default) Only intersecting features are considered.
Number Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.
Reset to Default (Optional) True If no feature is found within the specified neighborhood distance, field values will be overwritten with the field's default value.
False (Default) Field values will not change.


Stores the value from the ACC and ASSIGN fields in the nearest wMeter layer into the ACCOUNT and ASSIGNEDTO fields, respectively, of the wLateralLine layer:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: <Null>

Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature within 100 units. If a feature cannot be found, populate with the default field value:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: wMeter|ACC,ASSIGN|ACCOUNT,ASSIGNEDTO|100|True

Split Intersecting Feature

Splits features that intersect with features in a source layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Null or blank SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE Feature Class

This rule can only be configured on point features. It does not work for geometric network features.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Feature Class feature classes List of feature classes that will be split by the input features in the format layer1|layer2|etc.


Splits the wMain layer where it intersects with features in the wHydrant layer:

  • Table Name: wHydrant
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: wMain

Splits the wMain and wLateral layers:

  • Table Name: wHydrant
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: wMain|wLateral

Trigger Attribute Assistant Event Intersecting Feature

Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the intersecting features. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to monitor for changes TRIGGER_AAEVENT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE Input|Event Type


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Input String List of layers to search for intersecting features in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Event Type CREATE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the intersecting features.
CHANGEGEO Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the intersecting features.
CHANGE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the intersecting features.


Monitors the DIAMETER field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all intersecting features:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: CREATE

Update Intersecting Feature

Updates a field in an intersecting feature with a value or a field value from the modified or created feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class to monitor for changes Blank or null UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE Target|Target Field|Source Field

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Target Layer or feature class Layer or layers containing features that intersect the original updated feature. List multiple layers in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Target Field Field name Field in the Target layers into which a value will be copied. Only one Target Field may be defined, so a common field name is required for multiple Target layers.
Source Field Value or field name Value or field in Table Name that will be copied into the Target Field.


Monitors the project layer for changes; when the feature's geometry or attribute values are changed, copy the value of the STATUS field in the project layer to the PROJSTATUS field in all intersecting features in the sites layer:

  • Table Name: project
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: sites|PROJSTATUS|STATUS

Copies 0 to the STATUS field in all intersecting features in the sites, structures, and boundaries layers:

  • Table Name: project
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: sites,structures,boundaries|PROJSTATUS|0
