This item has been moved to mature support.


The Value Method field in the DynamicValue table defines the actions that occur when the Attribute Assistant is enabled and features are modified or created in ArcMap. Four fields in the DynamicValue table (Value Method, Table Name, Field Name, and Value Info) must be configured to use an Attribute Assistant method. The remaining fields define when the Attribute Assistant method should be applied.

The following seven Attribute Assistant methods can be configured in your DynamicValue table:

Method Description
Get Address From Centerline Extracts address information from the closest point on a road. It is similar to a reverse geocode, but a locator service is not used.
Get Address Using ArcGIS Service Performs a reverse geocode using a specified ArcGIS service.
Get Address Using Geocoder Performs a reverse geocode using a geocoder.
Latitude Stores the y-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.
Longitude Stores the x-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.
X Coordinate Calculates the x-coordinate of a feature in database units.
Y Coordinate Calculates the y-coordinate of a feature in database units.

Get Address From Centerline

Extracts address information from the closest point on a road. It is similar to a reverse geocode, but a locator service is not used.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to which the address will be written GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE Roads|Source|{Neighborhood}

This rule always searches the feature class, not the feature layer.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Roads Feature class Road centerlines feature class.
Source String Addressing information fields in the format: Road Name, To Left, To Right, From Left, From Right.
Neighborhood (Optional) Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. If not specified, only intersecting features are used.


Stores the address from a five foot search of the RoadCenterline layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: ADDRESS

Get Address Using ArcGIS Service

Performs a reverse geocode using a specified ArcGIS service.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to which the address will be written GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE {URL to Locator}|{WKID}

This rule can only be configured on String fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
URL to Locator (Optional) <Null> (Default) ArcGIS Online geocoding service.
String The URL of the locator service to use for geocoding.
WKID (Optional) <Null> (Default) Use the projection of the geocoding service.
Integer Project the results to the coordinate system specified by this well-known ID.


Stores the address provided by ArcGIS Online in the ADDRESS field in the ProposedSites layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: ADDRESS
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the address provided by a locator hosted by your organization's Portal:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: ADDRESS
  • Value Info:

Your Portal's locator is in WGS 1984 Web Mercator (WKID 3857). The ProposedSites layer is in NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois East FIPS 1201 Feet (WKID 3435):

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: ADDRESS
  • Value Info:|3435

Get Address Using Geocoder

Performs a reverse geocode using a geocoder.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to which the address will be written GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER Locator Path|Locator Name

This rule can only be configured on String fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Locator Path String The directory containing the locator.
Locator Name String The file name of the locator, with or without the file extension.


Finds the nearest address and stores this value in the ADDRESS field in the sites layer:

  • Table Name: sites
  • Field Name: ADDRESS
  • Value Info: D:/gis/data/locators|CountyLoc.loc


Stores the y-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class The field in which the value will be stored LATITUDE {Location}

This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Location (Optional) <Null> (Default) Y-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself.
S Y-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features.
E Y-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features.


Stores the latitude of the polygon's centroid in the LATLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: LATLOC
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the latitude of polyline's start point:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: LATLOC
  • Value Info: S


Stores the x-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class The field in which the value will be stored LONGITUDE {Location}

This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Location (Optional) <Null> (Default) X-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself.
S X-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features.
E X-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features.


Stores the longitude of the polygon's centroid in the LONLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: LONLOC
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the longitude of polyline's start point:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: LONLOC
  • Value Info: S

X Coordinate

Calculates the x-coordinate of a feature in database units.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class The field in which the value will be stored X_COORDINATE {Location}

This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Location (Optional) <Null> (Default) X-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself.
S X-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features.
E X-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features.


Stores the x-coordinate of the polygon's centroid in the XLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: XLOC
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the x-coordinate of polyline's start point:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: XLOC
  • Value Info: S

Y Coordinate

Calculates the y-coordinate of a feature in database units.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class The field in which the value will be stored Y_COORDINATE {Location}

This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Location (Optional) <Null> (Default) Y-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself.
S Y-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features.
E Y-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features.


Stores the y-coordinate of the polygon's centroid in the YLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: YLOC
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the y-coordinate of polyline's start point:

  • Table Name: ProposedSites
  • Field Name: YLOC
  • Value Info: S
