Publish a feature service

The Executive Dashboard maps organize and consume a series of map services authored for decision makers in the organization. The spreadsheets used to publish a few sample key performance indicators are available as part of the Executive Dashboard download.

The following steps for publishing the services assume the Executive Dashboard files have been downloaded and the requirements for this application have been met.

Create an ArcGIS Online group for Executive Dashboard

To create an ArcGIS Online group for your Executive Dashboard content, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
  2. Create a group to manage your Executive Dashboard services and maps.
  3. Create ArcGIS Online accounts for the decision makers in your community and invite them to join the group.
  4. To add members directly, check the add members of the organization immediately, without requiring confirmation check box. This option is only available to administrators of an organization.

Publish the boundary layers

To publish the provided boundary layers, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Online.
  2. Publish as a feature service and tag the service, County.
  3. Publish as a feature service and tag the service, School.
  4. Share each of the boundary layers with the group previously created.

Publish reporting layers

Reporting layers provide important reference and contextual information to orient decision makers. They display in maps consumed by the application and visually represent where concentrations of key activities occur. Publish the following provided reporting layers:

  • PerformanceIndicators.xlsx
  • Growth.xlsx
  • HistoricGrowth.xlsx
  • ARRA.xlsx
  • DropOutRates.xlsx
  • EmploymentRates.xlsx
  • TeenPregnancy.xlsx
  • 3rdGradeReading.xlsx

To publish each reporting layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to <your directory>\MapsandGeodatabase and open PerformanceIndicators.xlsx.
  2. Insert a map, then add data to the map, choosing the following settings:
    • Choose US State for the PerformanceIndicators Location Type.
    • Choose Area Name under the Location Column.
  3. Publish and share the file with the appropriate group as a feature service using Esri Maps for Office.
  4. Browse to <your directory>\MapsandGeodatabase and open 3rdGradeReading.xlsx.
  5. Insert a map, then add data to the map, choosing the following settings:
    • Choose the school district locator for the Location Type. If it has not been created previously, create the custom location type using the school district service and DisName as the field name.
    • Choose School District Name under the Location Column.
  6. Publish and share the file with the appropriate group as a feature service using Esri Maps for Office.
  7. Browse to <your directory>\MapsandGeodatabase and open Growth.xlsx.
  8. Insert a map, then add data to the map, choosing the following settings:
    • Choose the county locator for the Location Type. If it has not been previously created, create custom location type using the county boundary service and CountyName as the field name.
    • Choose Area Name under the Location Column.
  9. Publish and share the file with the appropriate group as a feature service using Esri Maps for Office.
  10. Insert a map, then add data to the map for ARRA.xlsx using the Address location type.
  11. Open each of the remaining spreadsheets and insert a map, then add data to the map using the county boundary locator; publish and share the file with the appropriate group as a feature service using Esri Maps for Office.