Publish services

The Gas Main Replacements app is used by the public to view main replacement projects in their community. Select a deployment method and follow the steps below to publish the services required for the Gas Main Replacements map.

Gas main replacements

To publish the Gas Mains Replacement map and share with your ArcGIS organization, complete the following steps:

  1. If using your own main replacement data, use the Replacement Project Polygons geoprocessing model to create the project polygons and calculate attributes.
  2. Publish the map as a hosted feature layer or as a feature service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise with the Create, Delete, Query, and Update capabilities enabled.
  3. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  4. Browse to the service and edit the item details:
    • Title: Gas Main Replacements
    • Thumbnail image: Gas Main Replacements Thumbnail
    • Summary: A service for the public to view current gas main replacement projects.
    • Description: A service for the public to view current gas main replacement projects and main replacement status.
    • Tags: Gas Mains, Capital Project, Replacement