Publish services

The maps in Sanitary Sewer Network solution can be accessed throughout the utility's organization and is optimized for display on the web and on mobile devices. Select a deployment method and follow the steps below to publish the services required for solution.

Sanitary sewer network

To publish the Sanitary Sewer Network map, complete one of the following two steps:

  1. If using a hosted service, publish the SanitarySewerNetwork.mxd as a feature service. Review the best practices for optimizing a hosted service and enable Optimize Layer Drawing for the layers.
  2. If hosting the service on premise with ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise, publish the SanitarySewerNetwork.mxd as a dynamic map service and a feature service.

Complete the following steps on ArcGIS Online or your Portal for ArcGIS organization:

  1. Sign to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Share the SanitarySewerNetwork services with your organization and the group Central Services.
  3. Configure the SanitarySewerNetwork service item details:
    • Title: Sanitary Sewer Network
    • Thumbnail Image: Sanitary Sewer Network Thumbnail
    • Summary: Map layers that represent the sanitary sewer network with cartography designed for publishing.
    • Description: A series of layers that represent the sanitary sewer network for a utility. These layers have been optimized for display on the web and mobile devices.
    • Tags: Sewer, Manhole, Main, Pipe, Sanitary