Convert coordinates

Geographic coordinates can be expressed in several different notations, including Decimal Degrees (DD), Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS), and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). Each of these ways of representing a location result in different strings of characters with a variety of formats. Not every branch, agency, or organization uses the same method to represent coordinates, and not all systems accept all types of coordinates. To facilitate data compilation and exchange, it is useful to be able to express the same location in multiple ways.

  1. Open the Convert Coordinates tool from the Import and Conversion toolbox.
  2. Select the table in your map with the coordinates you want to convert as the Input Table.
  3. Select the appropriate coordinate notation for the data in your table as the Input Coordinate Format.
  4. Select the field that contains the coordinate data as the X Fieldand Y Field.
  5. For Output Table, select the directory and type in the name for the output table that will be created.
  6. Click OK to run the tool.

A new table is created with the same locations expressed in multiple coordinate formats.
