Configure Crowdsource Polling

Crowdsource Polling can be configured in ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, or ArcGIS Enterprise using the app configuration panel. To access the app configuration panel, complete the following steps:

  1. Using the Crowdsourcing Polling map you created previously, share the map using the Crowdsource Polling application template.
  2. Provide a title and tags for the application.
  3. Review and update the configuration parameter values. To save and review the changes, click SAVE. When you are done, click LAUNCH to open the app, or CLOSE to return to the item details page for your new app.

General Settings

To modify the overall behavior of the app, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the map to display in the application.
  2. Provide a title for the application. This text displays in the application header.
  3. Provide text to display in the help widget.
  4. Optionally, enable the help window to display automatically when the app loads as a splash screen.

Theme Settings

These settings allow you to configure the appearance of your application. For new apps in organizations with shared theme colors defined, these parameters will be populated with the shared theme values.

  1. Choose colors for the background and text in the application header.
  2. Choose colors for the background and text found in the body of the application.
  3. Chose colors for the background and text of buttons in the application.
  4. Provide the URL to a logo that will be displayed in the upper left corner of the application.

Other Options

Configure how the application will interact with your layers.

  1. Choose the layer that will be presented in the right side panel for soliciting feedback.
  2. Optionally, choose a numeric field from this layer for collecting votes on the features.
  3. Optionally, choose to sort the list of features in ascending or descending order by the values in a field.
  4. Choose to have the application open on smartphones to first display either the map or the list of features.
  5. Optionally, choose to show only the selected polling feature and its related features.
  6. Choose to have the application load to list all features in the configured layer, or only those features found within the current map extent.
  7. Choose to have Ask for Values and Date filters that are configured on the polling layer in the map exposed in the application.
  8. Provide the message that will be displayed when a new comment is submitted through the application.
  9. Open or close the feedback period. When the feedback period is closed, a dialog window will display when the vote and comment buttons are clicked. The title and content of the dialog can be configured here, as well.

Custom URL Parameter Settings

Optionally, define a URL parameter that can be used to open the application to a specific record.

  1. Define a name for the URL parameter query. This name will be used in the URL to specify how the data should be queried.
  2. Select a layer and field to use in the query. For the best results, the field should contain unique values for each feature in the layer.

To use the URL parameter, add {param name}={field value} to the end of the application URL, where {param name} should be replaced with the name of the URL parameter defined above and {field value} is replaced by one of the values in the field defined above. If the app URL ends with the GUID of an ArcGIS item, separate this query from the ID query with an ampersand (&).
