Find, Edit, and Filter is a configurable application template that searches and queries attributes of feature layers. The application provides the ability to search for features within the map, uses the configurable default attribute to interactively filter visible content in the map, and populates the default attribute based on the current filter value during editing workflows.
This application can be deployed by local, state, and national governments; utilities; NGOs as well as private industries; and can be used by staff or the general public on desktop computers, smartphones, and tablet devices.
Find, Edit, and Filter requires specific technical experience and software.
Requirement |
Description |
Experience |
- Authoring maps
- Configuring application templates in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS
Software |
- ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS subscription
Browser compatibility |
The application is optimized for display on desktop computers, smartphones, and tablet devices using all browsers supported by ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS.
What you get
The Find, Edit, and Filter application can be configured in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS without downloading the application files. However, if you want to host the application on your own server or do additional configuration, the application files are available to download from GitHub.
Learn more about additional configuration options
What's new
Below are the release dates and notes for Find, Edit, and Filter.
Date |
Description |
December 2016 |
- Moved this application into mature support. To build an application with the properties of Find, Edit, Filter, consider using the Search, Group Filter, and Smart Editor widgets in Web AppBuilder to build an application with equivalent searching, filtering, and editing capabilities.
- Updated to use version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2016 |
- Fixed a bug preventing filtering on integer fields with some database types.
- Updated to use version 3.18 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2016 |
- Updated to use version 3.17 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2016 |
- Updated to use version 3.16 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
November 2015 |
- Updated to use version 3.15 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
July 2015 |
- Updated to use version 3.14 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2015 |
- Updated to use version 3.13 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2014 |
- Updated to use version 3.12 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2014 |
- Improved handling of non-ASCII characters.
- Improved handling of coded domain values in pop-ups.
- Added option for display of values from multiple fields in search results.
- Added support for dynamic map services as basemaps.
- Updated to use the 3.11 JavaScript API.
- Added support for an organization's print service when application is hosted in ArcGIS Online.
- Added support for filters on layers in map.
- Added support for editing templates.
July 2014 |
- A new application user interface.
- Improved handling of coded domain values in pop-ups.
- New documentation on the Solutions site.
- Ability to specify a custom print service for web server implementations.
- Updated to use the 3.10 JavaScript API.
- Improved the thumbnail displayed for the web map basemap in the basemap widget.
- Added functionality to clear the search result from the map when another feature is selected.
- Added support for custom roles.