Publish basemaps

The Local Government Basemaps are the foundation of many of the ArcGIS for Local Government desktop, mobile, and web mapping applications. Each basemap has an associated caching scheme that maximizes the cartographic output of the basemap and the publishing steps have been grouped as follows:

The Local Government Basemaps can be precomputed and cached as a series of small tiles covering the map extent and for multiple map scales. Retrieving these precomputed map tiles can be much faster and more scalable than dynamically computing the map display each time a map is requested from the service. You'll want to publish and cache a set of basemaps for your local government so users can leverage your authoritative maps in web maps and apps, mobile apps, and desktop editing workflows.

Select a deployment method using ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise and follow the steps below to publish the basemaps. Please note, if you choose to create tiles on demand, some tiles must be generated before accessing the service in the application.

General Purpose

To publish a general purpose (General Purpose and Public Safety) basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the map document and verify that the data source for each map layer points to the correct geodatabase. Save the map document once complete.
  2. Publish and cache the map document using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise or as tiled services using ArcGIS Online. When publishing, make the following changes in the Service Editor:
    • Choose the Best for the Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Choose Force for the Text Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Disable KML in the Capabilities tab if publishing the service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Import the MIXED90CacheSettings.xml cache tiling scheme from your zip file Application folder and extend the Levels of Detail slider across all levels of detail in the Caching tab.
  3. Begin using the ArcGIS for Local Government Basemaps.


To publish the campus basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the map document and verify that the data source for each map layer points to the correct geodatabase. Save the map document once complete.
  2. Publish and cache the map document using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise or as tiled services using ArcGIS Online. When publishing, make the following changes in the Service Editor:
    • Choose the Best for the Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Choose Force for the Text Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Disable KML in the Capabilities tab if publishing the service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Import the Campus90CacheSettings.xml cache tiling scheme from your zip file Application folder and extend the Levels of Detail slider across all levels of detail in the Caching tab.
  3. Begin using the ArcGIS for Local Government Basemaps.


To publish an imagery basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the ImageryReferenceOverlay.mxd and verify that the data source for each map layer points to the correct geodatabase. Save the map document once complete.
  2. Add a high-resolution imagery layer to ImageryReferenceOverlay.mxd. Place this imagery below the 144K group layer in the Table of Contents window. Use imagery from ArcGIS Online (imagery is not provided for the City of Naperville in the download) to publish and serve an Imagery Hybrid basemap with the sample data from the City of Naperville. Save the map document as ImageryHybrid.mxd once complete.
  3. Publish and cache the map document using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise or as tiled services using ArcGIS Online. When publishing, make the following changes in the Service Editor:
    • Choose the Best for the Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Choose Force for the Text Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Disable KML in the Capabilities tab if publishing the service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Import the MIXED90CacheSettings.xml cache tiling scheme from your zip file Application folder and extend the Levels of Detail slider across all levels of detail in the Caching tab.
  4. Begin using the ArcGIS for Local Government Basemaps.


To publish a mobile (Mobile Day and Mobile Night) basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the map document and verify that the data source for each map layer points to the correct geodatabase. Save the map document once complete.
  2. Publish and cache the map document using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise or as tiled services using ArcGIS Online. When publishing, make the following changes in the Service Editor:
    • Choose the Best for the Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Choose Force for the Text Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Disable KML in the Capabilities tab if publishing the service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Import the JPEG90CacheSettings.xml cache tiling scheme from your zip file Application folder and extend the Levels of Detail slider across all levels of detail in the Caching tab.
  3. Begin using the ArcGIS for Local Government Basemaps.

Land Use

To publish a land use (Current Land Use, Future Land Use, Zoning) basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the map document and verify that the data source for each map layer points to the correct geodatabase. Save the map document once complete.
  2. Publish and cache the map document using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise or as tiled services using ArcGIS Online. When publishing, make the following changes in the Service Editor:
    • Choose the Best for the Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Choose Force for the Text Anti-Aliasing parameter in the Parameters tab.
    • Disable KML in the Capabilities tab if publishing the service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
    • Import the MIXED90CacheSettings.xml cache tiling scheme from your zip file Application folder and extend the Levels of Detail slider across all levels of detail in the Caching tab.
  3. Begin using the ArcGIS for Local Government Basemaps.