This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Attribute Assistant can be used to automatically populate attribute values using predefined methods when creating or editing geodatabase features with ArcMap.

This add-in provides:

  • Reduced button clicks during editing
  • Accurate attribute information


Attribute Assistant requires specific technical experience and software.

Requirement Description
  • ArcMap (Standard, or Advanced) 10.2.1, 10.6-10.9

What you get

When you download the Attribute Assistant solution, you'll find the following files:

Directory Item Description
Application AttributeAssistant.esriAddIn The Attribute Assistant provides a series of predefined methods to automatically populate attributes (for example, validate road names from master street name table) when features are created and updated.
Maps and GDBs ConfigTables.gdb A sample geodatabase with the DynamicValue and GenerateID table schemas required to configure Attribute Assistant.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Attribute Assistant.

Date Description
November 2023
  • Attribute Assistant has been moved to Mature support.
March 2019
  • Renamed Intersect_Count rule to Intersecting_Count. Older configurations which use Intersect_Count are still valid and will continue to work.
  • Improved list experience on methods that present a prompt to the user. (ENH-000116271)
  • Added statistics options to the Copy Link Record method.
  • A resolution to an issue in intersect statistics when the intersecting value appeared to be an exponential function, such as grid 1e14.
  • New option added to the FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD and TO_JUNCTION_FIELD methods to evaluate flow direction instead of digitized direction to determine from or to features.
  • A resolution to an issue in the expression rule when a "" symbol was used.
  • An enhancement to Validate Attribute Lookup where null values are no longer used to find possible candidates when defining multiple fields.
  • An enhancement to Create Linked Record that exposes the ability to manually set a value instead of populating a value from the intersected field.
January 2018
  • A beta capability to resolve a bug in which non-unique IDs were generated during concurrent bulk editing operations when working in a multi-user environment in an enterprise geodatabase. (NIM100667 and BUG-000109908)
  • A resolution to an issue in which the Get Address method would incorrectly append all returned values and not the matched address.
  • An enhancement to honor definition expressions on the lookup table when validating attribute lookup.
  • A resolution to a bug in which Previous Value method would not honor changes in the second field. (BUG-000108504)
  • A resolution to a bug in which the search tolerance would change based on scale using the Intersecting Feature method. (BUG-000107033)
  • A resolution to a bug in which the Link Table Asset method would fail when updating a dimension feature class when the value method is set to run on manual. (BUG-000109255)
  • A new configuration parameter to specify the last value array is cleared when an edit session has ended.
  • A new configuration parameter to automatically turn Attribute Assistant on when you start an edit session.
  • An enhancement to the Copy Features method to allow the source field to be a copied value.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Features method to select the feature with the highest Object ID when one layer is defined in the value information.
  • An enhancement to trigger On Change Geometry when a feature is split.
  • An enhancement to the Field Trigger method to support setting null values.
  • An enhancement to the Last Value method to bypass changing the last value array when a line is split.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record method to use a value prior to the edit and not the edit value.
  • An enhancement to the Create Related Record method to create a new record only when a field is changed.
  • An enhancement to the Expression method to expose and option to access the last value of a field that has changed.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record method to support setting a value.
March 2017
  • An enhancement to the Attribute Assistant methods to include the following new rules:
  • A resolution to a bug where the Copy Linked Record method would not work when the Primary and Foreign keys were GUID or GlobalID. (Issue 102)
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Feature method, which adds additional search methods to prompt for the start and end of the line or centroid. (Issue 129)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Autonumber method would not work with tables. (Issue 141)
  • An enhancement to the configuration file that adds options for custom GenerateID table field names. (Issue 142)
  • An enhancement to the configuration file that adds an option for quicker deletion of features. (Issue 143)
  • An enhancement to the Validate Attribute Lookup method to allow for the value in a field to be cleared by canceling the dialog box. (Issue 152)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Validate Attribute Lookup method would not work when the lookup table values contained pipe characters. (Issue 153)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Junction Rotation method would overwrite existing values if no feature was found. (Issue 154)
  • An enhancement to the Value Info field to support spaces between pipe separators. (Issue 162)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Junction Rotation method would not work with simple features. (Issue 170)
  • A resolution to a bug where the prompt dialog box would not resize properly. (Issue 183)
  • An enhancement to provide a dialog box when enabling Attribute Assistant and the DynamicValue table is missing. (Issue 185)
  • An enhancement to the Nearest Feature Attributes method to not override existing values when no feature can be found. An optional parameter, Reset to Default, has been added. (ENH-000098013)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Feature Statistics method would not work on tables. (BUG-000097958)
  • A resolution to a bug where config files in nested folders were not properly being loaded. (BUG-000100417)
  • A resolution to a bug where using a comma as the radix would cause truncation. (BUG-000100776)
  • A resolution to a bug where the change attribute rules would trigger on geometric network connections. (BUG-000101998)
July 2016
  • A resolution to a bug with the Run Manual Rules tool which caused the tool to fail when updating selected features.
June 2016
February 2016
  • A resolution to a bug with the Junction Rotation method which caused the incorrect angle when using the Special parameter. (Issue 87)
  • A resolution to a bug with Attribute Assistant that caused the rules to fail with parcel fabric records when GlobalID field is present. (Issue 71)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Update Linked Record method involving GUID fields. (BUG-000090971)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Intersect Stats method that caused duplicated values. (Issue 69)
  • Added a new option to the Generate ID by Intersect rule, limiting the creation of a new ID to when the feature value is null.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record to populate default values. (Issue 51)
  • Configuration file name changed to loaded.aa.config. Existing Loaded.config files will be ported to new version automatically.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Layer Details method to store the feature class name. (Issue 63)
  • An enhancement to the To Junction Field and From Junction Field method to store the name of the intersecting features class. (Issue 64)
July 2015
  • Added additional comments to the Loaded.config file.
  • Added support for the Parcel Fabric data type.
  • An enhancement that improves the behavior of the GenerateID method in SQL and Oracle databases.
  • An enhancement to the Latitude and Longitude method that adds support for linear features.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting_Feature method to set value to null if no intersecting feature is found.
  • An enhancement that adds TCase support to the Expression method. (ENH-000085179)
  • An enhancement to the Intersect_stat, Feature_Stats, To_Edge_Stats, From_Edge_Stats, Edge_Stats method that adds the ability to define a delimiter used for concatenating values.
  • An enhancement to the Intersect_stat, Feature_Stats, To_Edge_Stats, From_Edge_Stats, Edge_Stats method that adds the ability to sort the values being stored either ascending or descending order.
December 2014
  • A resolution to a bug with the Nearest_Feature and Nearest Feature methods. (NIM104297)
  • Added a new parameter to Junction_Rotation method; allowing a list of feature class names. (ENH-000081245)
  • Added a new parameter to Create Linked Record method; allowing a list of feature class names.
  • An enhancement to the Length method; geodesic length and area are now computed.
  • A resolution to a bug with the Expression method. (BUG-000080919)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Copy_Linked_Record method. (BUG-000082008 and BUG-000080919)
  • Added a new Loaded.config file that supports Gas Utility solution offerings.
  • The location of the configuration file (Loaded.config) has been changed to a new directory.
June 2014
  • A resolution to a bug causing the flow accumulation tool to include all accumulative flow from all pipes instead of accumulating flow upstream in the gravity pipe. (NIM100021)
  • Fixed error message from appearing during ArcMap shutdown.
  • A resolution to a bug causing the Nearest_Feature method to fail when using point feature classes. (NIM099431)
  • Added a new option to the Generate ID rule, limiting the creation of a new ID to when the feature value is null.
  • Resolved an issue with the Feature Stats and Intersect Stats rule where duplicate values where being added to result when using the Concat statistic.
February 2014
  • A resolution to a low-level crash when using the Summary Isolation Trace tool. (NIM094458)
  • A resolution to bug where the Generate_ID Value Method was changing the attribute values of data when the On Change (Attribute) and the On Change (Geometry) settings are set to False in the DynamicValue table. (NIM093797)
  • The source code for the add-ins is now available on GitHub and is no longer included in the download.
  • This release has been certified with ArcGIS 10.1.1 and 10.1.1 Quality Improvement Patch.
December 2013
  • A resolution to a bug when referencing multiple layers from the intersecting features method and using the prompt method caused only the values from the last layer in the list to populate correctly. (NIM095531)
  • The status update windows have been replaced by a status bar.
  • The new progress bar displays the status of the Attribute Assistant rules.
  • The default location of the log file is now %userprofile%\ArcGISSolutions.
  • The new configurable tag AttributeAssistant_Debug_Path has been added to override the default value of the log file.
  • A resolution to a low-level crash. (NIM094458)
  • A resolution to a bug causing the cascading updates to continue running after canceling the method.
  • The ArcGIS Online geocoding rules have been revised to use the new services.
  • A resolution to an issue with the X_COORDINATE method.
November 2012
  • New functionality in the UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE method allows users to specify options when running the rule.
  • New functionality in the TIMESTAMP method allows users to specify the date format to store.
  • New functionality in the CREATE_LINKED_RECORDS method allows users to specify the number of related records or a field that lists the count of related records.
  • New functionality in the DynamicValue table allows users to specify whether to execute the methods when a feature's attribute is changed (ON_CHANGE) or when a feature's geometry is changed (ON_CHANGEGEO).
  • Changes to the DynamicValue table schema to support the ON_CHANGE and ON_CHANGEGEO functionality.
  • New functionality in the GenerateID table allows users to specify an increment value for each unique identifier.
  • New functionality in the Attribute Assistant toolbar allows users to execute ON_CREATE and ON_CHANGE rules, load the last value dialog box, and edit the toolbar configuration file.
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded the attribute lookup dialog box from appearing when using a personal geodatabase. (NIM084559)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded address ranges from being split when Attribute Assistant was turned on. (NIM081647)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded the database name from being populated correctly when the CURRENT_USER method was set to D. (NIM082561)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded attribute updates when the cascading attribute dialog box was canceled.
  • The removal of the Attribute Transfer loader. Information is now saved in the map document.

Known Issues

  • When generating a related record through the Attribute Dialog, the attribute assistant accesses the feature before the related key is set on the feature. Any rule expecting this value, will not complete successfully as it is a null. Also, the On Change event does not fire after the value is set.
  • The likelihood of a duplicate ID is increased when more than one user is performing bulk edit operations, such as data loading, in an edit session. If concurrent bulk editing in an edit session is required, a stored procedure in the database is required to eliminate the change of a duplicate ID. Introduced in beta with the January 2018 release of Attribute Assistant, is the capability to call the Attribute Assistant to call a stored procedure as field name in the DynamicValue table. This stored procedure will increment and read the new sequence value in a single operation to ensure the sequence is unique. Learn more on GitHub.

Get started with Attribute Assistant
