The Value Method field in the DynamicValue table defines the actions that occur when the Attribute Assistant is enabled and features are modified or created in ArcMap. Four fields in the DynamicValue table (Value Method, Table Name, Field Name, and Value Info) must be configured to use an Attribute Assistant method. The remaining fields define when the Attribute Assistant method should be applied.
The following 71 Attribute Assistant methods can be configured in your DynamicValue table:
Method | Description |
Angle | Calculates the geographic or arithmetic angle of a line feature. |
Autonumber | Finds the largest value in a field and calculates the next sequential value. |
Cascade Attributes | Updates all occurrences of a value when the corresponding value in another table is changed. |
Copy Features | Copies a feature when an attribute is updated to a specified value. |
Copy Linked Record | Updates an attribute of a feature with a value from a related table. |
Create Linked Record | Creates a new record in a feature layer with a relationship to a table using a primary/foreign key relationship. |
Create Perpendicular Line | Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point and an intersecting line. The line's length is specified by the Length parameter. |
Create Perpendicular Line to Line | Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point to the nearest line. |
Current Username | Populates the current user name. |
Edge Statistics | Provides statistics on a specified field for all connected edges in a geometric network. |
Expression | Executes a VBScript evaluated by the MSScriptControl. Can be used to access built-in functions and conditional logic (if statements). |
Feature Statistics | Summarizes the attribute values of the affected feature as a series of statistics or a single calculated value. |
Field | Copies the value from from one field to another within the same feature class. |
Field Trigger | Updates a field to a specified value when the value of another field is updated. |
From Edge Field | Copies a field value from a connected From Edge feature to a connected junction feature. |
From Edge Multiple Field Intersection | Copies values for all From Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer. |
From Edge Statistics | Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to From Edges in a geometric network. |
From Junction Field | Copies a field value from a connected From Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the start of the currently edited line. |
Generate ID | Increments a row in an unversioned table and stores that newly incremented value. |
Generate ID By Intersect | Generates unique identifiers for features based on the identifiers of intersecting grid features. |
Get Address From Centerline | Extracts address information from the closest point on a road. It is similar to a reverse geocode, but a locator service is not used. |
Get Address Using ArcGIS Service | Performs a reverse geocode using a specified ArcGIS service. |
Get Address Using Geocoder | Performs a reverse geocode using a geocoder. |
GUID | Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID). |
Intersecting Boolean | Stores a value if the triggering feature intersects a feature in the specified layer. |
Intersecting Count | Calculates the number of intersecting features and stores the count in the specified field. |
Intersecting Edge | Copies a field value from the first intersecting edge feature. |
Intersecting Feature | Copies a value from an intersecting feature in the specified layer. |
Intersecting Feature Distance | Calculates the distance along a line feature where a line is intersected by another feature. |
Intersecting Layer Details | Extracts the name or file path of an intersecting layer. |
Intersecting Raster | Extracts a raster cell value at a feature location. If the feature is a line or polygon, the raster value at the feature centroid is used. |
Intersecting Statistics | Calculates statistics on a specified field for intersecting features. |
Junction Rotation | Stores the rotation angle of a junction feature based on connected edge features. |
Last Value | Repeats the last value used in a field. |
Latitude | Stores the y-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees. |
Length | Calculates the length of line features and the area of polygon features. |
Link Table Asset | Updates a field in the table or layer with a value from a selected feature. |
Longitude | Stores the x-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees. |
Map Info | Stores information from the current map document metadata or the version info of the layer being edited. |
Minimum Length | Rejects a newly created line feature if the length of the line is less than the specified distance. |
Multiple Field Intersecting Values | Copies values from new intersecting features into a target layer. |
Nearest Feature | Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer. |
Nearest Feature Attributes | Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer. |
Offset | Populates the location of a point a specified distance from the nearest line feature. |
Previous Value | Monitors a field, and when it is changed, stores the previous value in another field. |
Prompt | Identifies records containing null values. If the field uses a subtype or domain, those options are presented in the dialog box for the user to select. |
Set Measures | Populates the m-coordinates of line features. M-values can be used to add route events to point and line events dynamically along line features. |
Side | Determines if a point feature is to the left or right of a corresponding line feature. |
Split Intersecting Feature | Splits features that intersect with features in a source layer. |
Timestamp | Populates the current date and time. |
To Edge Field | Copies a field value from a connected To Edge feature to a connected junction feature. |
To Edge Multiple Field Intersect | Copies values for all To Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer. |
To Edge Statistics | Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to To Edges in a geometric network. |
To Junction Field | Copies a value from a connected To Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the end of the currently edited line. |
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Edge | Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Edge feature. |
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Junction | Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Junction feature. |
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event Intersecting Feature | Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the intersecting features. |
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Edge | Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Edge feature. |
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Junction | Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Junction feature. |
Update From Edge Field | Copies a field value from a junction to a connected From Edge feature. |
Update From Junction Field | Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected From Junction feature. |
Update Intersecting Feature | Updates a field in an intersecting feature with a value or a field value from the modified or created feature. |
Update Linked Record | Finds the related records in another table or layer and updates a field in those records. |
Update To Edge Field | Copies a field value from a junction to a connected To Edge feature. |
Update To Junction Field | Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected To Junction feature. |
Validate Attribute Lookup | Verifies field values against entries in a lookup table. |
Validate Attributes | Compares values in the input fields to all feature templates for the feature class. |
Validate Connectivity | Validates the number of connections on a feature and rejects the edits if the criteria are not met. |
Validate Domain | Validates data entry on field with domains against the domain. If the value is outside the range or not in the coded value list, the edit is aborted. |
X Coordinate | Calculates the x-coordinate of a feature in database units. |
Y Coordinate | Calculates the y-coordinate of a feature in database units. |
Calculates the geographic or arithmetic angle of a line feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class name | Field used to store the calculated angle | ANGLE | {Angle Type} |
This rule can only be configured on linear features, and the angle value must be populated in Float or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Angle Type (Optional) | A | Populates arithmetic angle (counter-clockwise from positive X axis). |
G (Default) | Populates geographic angle (clockwise from positive Y axis). |
Populates the BREAK field in the wMain layer with the angle between the line and due north:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: BREAK
Value Info:
Populates with the angle between the line and due east:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: BREAK
- Value Info: A
Finds the largest value in a field and calculates the next sequential value.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or Feature class | Field to autonumber | AUTONUMBER | Null or Blank |
This rule can only be configured on an Integer field.
There are no parameters for this method.
Populates the ASSETNUM field in wMain with the largest value incremented by one:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: ASSETNUM
Value Info:
Cascade Attributes
Updates all occurrences of a value when the corresponding value in another table is changed.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class containing the field to monitor for changes | Field triggering the cascading attributes | CASCADE_ATTRIBUTE | Input|Trigger|{Prompt} |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Input | Table, layer, or feature class | Table or feature layer containing the field affected by the cascading updates. |
Trigger | Field name | Field affected by the cascading updates. |
Prompt (Optional) | Blank (Default) | Display prompt to confirm the cascading update. |
False | Prompt will not display. |
Monitors the FULLNAME field in the MasterStreetName table for changes; when this value is changed, copy this value to all features in the RoadCenterline layer whose STNAME field value is equal to the original FULLNAME field value. A dialog box will be displayed before the values are copied:
- Table Name: MasterStreetName
- Field Name: FULLNAME
- Value Info: RoadCenterline|STNAME
Copies the field value without asking for confirmation:
- Table Name: MasterStreetName
- Field Name: FULLNAME
- Value Info: RoadCenterline|STNAME|False
Copy Features
Copies a feature when an attribute is updated to a specified value.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class from which features will be copied | Field to monitor for changes | COPY_FEATURE | Value|Target|{Template}|{Method}|{Field Pairs} |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Value | String or numeric value | Rule is triggered when this value is entered into the field of interest. |
Target | Feature layer or feature class | Affected features are copied or moved to this feature layer. |
Template (Optional) | Editing template | Editing template used to symbolize and attribute the copied or moved feature. The feature symbology will be updated when the edits are saved. |
Method (Optional) | Copy | Copies features from original location to the target location, but does not delete original feature. Deleting or moving the feature is not supported. |
Field Pairs (Optional) | String | Field map for transferring attribute values between the source and target features. Format: Source field-target field. |
Copies the current feature from the MasterStreets layer into the PropStreets layer when the STATUS field value is changed to Proposed:
- Table Name: MasterStreets
- Field Name: STATUS
- Value Info: Proposed|PropStreets
Copies the current feature from the wMain layer into the wAbandonedLine layer when the STATUS field value is changed to 0 (retired). When copying, the Abandoned Water Mains editing template is used for attributes and symbology. Map the source fields DIAMETER and MAT to DIAM and MATERIAL, respectively:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: STATUS
- Value Info: 0|wAbandonedLine|Abandoned Water Mains|COPY|DIAMETER-DIAM,MAT-MATERIAL
Copy Linked Record
Updates an attribute of a feature with a value from a related table.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class to which value will be copied to from the source or related table | Field to store the copied value | COPY_LINKED_RECORD | Source|Source Field|Primary Key|Foreign Key |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Table | Related table that a value will be copied from and placed in the triggering layer |
Source Field | Field name | Source table field containing the values to copy and place in the triggering field |
Primary Key | Field name | Field in the Triggering layer that is used to identify a feature in the source or related table |
Foreign Key | Field name | Field in the source table with a matching ID to the triggering layers ID in the Primary Key field |
Source | Field name | Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3 ) |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Populates the ADDRESS field in the Parcels layer with the FNAME field in the Parcels_AddressPoints related table. The relationship was created with a primary key on the ParcelID field in Parcels and a foreign key on the PID field in AddressPoints:
- Table Name: Parcels
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info: Parcels_AddressPoints|FNAME|ParcelID|PID
Create Linked Record
Creates a new record in a feature layer with a relationship to a table using a primary/foreign key relationship.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to monitor for changes (Optional) | CREATE_LINKED_RECORD | Target|Target Fields|Source Fields|Primary Key|Foreign Key|{Commit} |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Target | Table or feature layer | Related table |
Target Fields | Field names | List of fields the related record layer/table to which values will be copied. The list of field names are in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as the Source Fields. |
Source Fields | Field name | List of fields in the source record to copy to the target related record. The list of field names are in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as the Target Fields. |
Primary Key | Field name | Source features identifier used in the related table |
Foreign Key | Field name | Related table field with values corresponding to the source feature identifiers |
Commit (Optional) | Field name, Number of records to create or a Boolean for Commit | In the current release of this rule, the parameter is being used for two options. If you want to generate a number of related records, specify the field name that has a value with the number of records to create or specify the number of records to create. For the Commit option, by default, the new record is not stored in the geodatabase until all the rules for the edited feature are processed. If [TRUE], the data is stored so that any following rules can be processed. |
Generates a single record in the Related layer by storing the FACILITYID field of the Parent feature in the FACILITYKEY field of the Related layer. The OWNER field in the Parent layer will be copied to the RELOWNER field in the Related layer:
- Table Name: Parent
Field Name:
Generates ten records in the Related layer. The OWNER and COLOR fields in the Parent layer will be copied to the RELOWNER and COLOR fields, respectively, in the Related layer:
- Table Name: Parent
Field Name:
Generates a dynamic number of records in the Related layer. The number of records is defined by the RELCOUNT field in the Parent layer:
- Table Name: Parent
Field Name:
Generates a single record in the Related layer. This record is stored immediately so that it can be accessed by other Attribute Assistant rules:
- Table Name: Parent
Field Name:
Create Perpendicular Line
Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point and an intersecting line. The line's length is specified by the Length parameter.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Blank or null | CREATE_PERP_LINE | Source|Length|Neighborhood|Snapping|Target|{Template} |
This rule can only be configured on point features.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Line feature layer or feature class | Feature layer containing the existing line features. |
Length | Field name or value | Field containing the length value for the line, or a single value to use for all features. |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Snapping | True | Snap the new line to the existing line feature. |
False | Do not snap the new line to the existing line feature. | |
Target | Line feature layer or feature class | Feature layer to contain the new perpendicular lines. |
Template (Optional) | Editing template | Editing template used to symbolize and attribute the new line feature. |
Creates a perpendicular line 100 units long starting at snapped point on the sewPipes layer within 5 units to the Tap feature. The new line is stored in the comPipes layer:
- Table Name: Taps
Field Name:
- Value Info: sewPipes|100|5|True|comPipes
Creates a perpendicular line 100 units long starting at Tap feature. The new line is perpendicular to the closest feature in the sewPipes layer within 5 units, but does not start on the snapped point, but the actual Tap feature. The new line is stored in the comPipes layer using the PerpLine edit template:
- Table Name: Taps
Field Name:
- Value Info: sewPipes|LINELENGTH|5|False|comPipes|PerpLine
Create Perpendicular Line to Line
Constructs a perpendicular line from the input point to the nearest line.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Blank or null | CREATE_PERP_LINE_TO_LINE | Source|Neighborhood|Target|{Template} |
This rule can only be configured on point features.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Line feature layer or feature class | Feature layer containing the existing line features. |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Target | Line feature layer or feature class | Feature layer to contain the new perpendicular lines. |
Template (Optional) | Editing template | Editing template used to symbolize and attribute the new line feature. |
Creates a perpendicular line from the wServiceConnection feature to the nearest line in the wMain layer within 100 units. The new line is stored in the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
Field Name:
- Value Info: wMain|100|wLateralLine
The new line is stored in the wLateralLine layer using the 2" Copper Commercial edit template:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
Field Name:
- Value Info: wMain|100|wLateralLine|2" Copper Commercial
Current Username
Populates the current user name.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to store the user name | CURRENT_USER | {Format} |
This rule can only be configured on String fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Format (Optional) | W | Full Windows login name as domain\user name |
U | Windows user name | |
D | Connected database user for the edit session | |
Null (Default) | Connected database user name if available; otherwise, full Windows login name as your domain\user name |
Stores the windows user including the domain in the LASTEDITOR field in the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: LASTEDITOR
- Value Info: W
Stores the user information used to connect to an enterprise database in all layers:
- Table Name: *
- Field Name: LASTEDITOR
- Value Info: D
Edge Statistics
Provides statistics on a specified field for all connected edges in a geometric network.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Geometric network junction feature class | Field to store the statistics | EDGE_STATS | Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder} |
This rule can only be configured on String fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3 ) |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field in all connected edges into the MAXEDGES field in the junctions feature class:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXEDGES
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Max
Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXEDGES
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat
Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXEDGES
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC
Executes a VBScript evaluated by the MSScriptControl. Can be used to access built-in functions and conditional logic (if statements).
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field on which the expression should be executed | EXPRESSION | VBScript Expression |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
In the expression, the edited field (field name listed in the Field column) can be indicated using [#] or the field name enclosed by [].
Additional functions
IIF(expression, truepart, falsepart)
: used to create complex If-Else statements; returns one of two objects, depending on the evaluation of an expression. Both the True and False portions of IIF statements must be able to be evaluated; functions cannot be used on Null values. For example,IIF(1=1, left(Null), "false")
cannot evaluate.TCase(string)
: returns a copy of the string converted to title case.Ceil(number)
: returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number.Floor(number)
: returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number.
Function notes
If specifying a decimal number in the equation, the decimal separator (radix point) must be a period:
- Invalid:
IIF([height]>12,5, "yes", "no")
- Valid:
IIF([height]>12.5, "yes", "no")
- Invalid:
To perform string operations on GUID fields, the field name must be treated as a string:
- Invalid:
replace([GlobalID], "{", "")
- Valid:
replace("[GlobalID]", "{", "")
- Invalid:
To set values as null, use "<NULL>" string:
- Invalid:
- Valid:
- Invalid:
Joins the FROMMH and TOMH fields in the gravityMains layer with a dash and removes all instances of "MH-", storing this value in the MHID field. In this example, if the FROMMH and TOMH fields have a value of "MH-001" and "MH-123", respectively, then the value "001-123" will be stored:
- Table Name: gravityMains
- Field Name: MHID
- Value Info: replace(([FROMMH] & "-" & [TOMH]), "MH-", "")
Uses a lookup value in the DIAM field to store textual color representations in the COLORSYM field in the gravityMains layer. In this example, a value ≤6 is RED, >6 AND ≤10 is ORANGE, >10 AND ≤15 is GREEN, and >15 is BLUE:
- Table Name: gravityMains
- Field Name: COLORSYM
- Value Info: IIF([DIAM]<=6, "RED", IIF([DIAM]<=10, "ORANGE", IIF([DIAM]<=15, "GREEN", "BLUE")))
Stores the ADDRESS field in the ADDRPROPER field, converting to title case if the UNIT field is not null. In this example, if the ADDRESS field is "forest grove ct" and the UNIT field is "101", then the value "Forest Grove Ct" will be stored; if UNIT is empty (null), then the value will remain the same:
- Table Name: gravityMains
- Field Name: ADDRPROPER
- Value Info: IIF(isNull([UNIT]), [ADDRESS], TCase([ADDRESS]))
Feature Statistics
Summarizes the attribute values of the affected feature as a series of statistics or a single calculated value.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to store the statistics | FEATURE_STATS | Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3 ) |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Stores the maximum value of the POPMALE and POPFEMALE fields into the MAXPOP field in the serviceArea layer:
- Table Name: serviceArea
- Field Name: MAXPOP
Stores a comma-delimited string of POPMALE and POPFEMALE values:
- Table Name: serviceArea
- Field Name: MAXPOP
- Value Info: POPMALE,POPFEMALE|Concat
Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:
- Table Name: serviceArea
- Field Name: MAXPOP
Copies the value from from one field to another within the same feature class.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class from which fields will be copied | Field to populate | FIELD | Source|{Value} |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Field from which the values will be copied from. |
Value (Optional) | CODE | The code value will be copied for fields with subtypes and/or domains. |
DISPLAY (Default) | The display value will be copied for fields with subtypes and/or domains. |
Copies the value from the CREATED field to the ASSIGNED field in all layers:
- Table Name: *
- Field Name: ASSIGNED
- Value Info: CREATED
Copies the domain display value from the MATERIAL field to the TYPE field in the wGravityMains layer:
- Table Name: wGravityMains
- Field Name: TYPE
Field Trigger
Updates a field to a specified value when the value of another field is updated.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to monitor for changes | FIELD_TRIGGER | Trigger|Target|Value |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Trigger | String or number | This value causes the target field to update. |
Target | Field name | Field to update. |
Value | String or number | The target field is updated to this value. |
Monitors the STATUS field in the wGravityMains layer; whenever the value is changed to ABANDONED, store NONE in the PRESSUREZONE field:
- Table Name: wGravityMains
- Field Name: STATUS
From Edge Field
Copies a field value from a connected From Edge feature to a connected junction feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Point feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the junction feature layer | FROM_EDGE_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to copy in the From Edge layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected From Edge features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the From Edge layers into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic
From Edge Multiple Field Intersection
Copies values for all From Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Geometric network junction feature class | Null or blank | FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT | Source|Target |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Field to copy |
Target | String | Array of fields to populate in the form field1,field2,etc. |
Copies the value from the DIAMETER field from the From Edges features to the DIAM1, DIAM2, and DIAM3 fields in the Connections layer:
- Table Name: Connections
Field Name:
From Edge Statistics
Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to From Edges in a geometric network.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to store the statistics | FROM_EDGE_STATS | Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3 ) |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field for all connected From Edges features into the MAXDIAM field in the wHydrants layer:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Max
Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat
Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC
From Junction Field
Copies a field value from a connected From Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the start of the currently edited line.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Line feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the line feature layer | FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type except when Field is specified as (NAME)
; in this case, the field type must be String.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field Name | The field to copy in the From Junction layer. |
(NAME) | If specified as (NAME) , the feature class name will be used instead of a feature value. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected From Junction features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the name of the feature class that is snapped to the start point of the current line into the STARTPT field of the wMain layer. In this example, the value "Water_Net_Junctions" might be copied to the STARTPT field:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: STARTPT
- Value Info: (NAME)
Copies the value from the FID field in the From Junction layers into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Generate ID
Increments a row in an unversioned table and stores that newly incremented value.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | The field to contain the identifier | GENERATE_ID | Name|{Width}|{Format}[SEQ]|{Keep Existing} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but the format of the field should be coordinated with the format of your identifier.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | The name of the sequence. |
Width (Optional) | Integer | The minimum length of the identifier. If the current value of [SEQ] is shorter than this value, zeros will be added to the left of [SEQ] to create the specified width. This is only valid for string fields. |
Format (Optional) | String | Static portion of the identifier. |
[SEQ] | Placeholder for the iterated value; [SEQ] may appear anywhere in the format string. | |
Keep Existing (Optional) | True | Limit the rule to only be triggered when the field is null. This will prohibit overwriting existing IDs. |
False (Default) | Trigger the rule to generate a new ID or overwrite the current ID, if it exists. |
Increments the HYDSEQ value in the GenerateID table and stores this new value in the HYDID field in the hydrants layer:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: HYDSEQ
Left-pads the HYDSEQ value. In this example, if the HYDSEQ is 7, 39, or 1234 then the HYDID will be 0007, 0039, or 1234, respectively:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: HYDSEQ|4
Appends the HYDSEQ value to the text "Hydrant-". In this example, if the HYDSEQ is 7, 39, or 1234 then the HYDID will be Hydrant-7, Hydrant-39, or Hydrant-1234, respectively:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: HYDSEQ||Hydrant-[SEQ]
Do not overwrite existing HYDID values when this rule is executed:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: HYDSEQ||Hydrant-[SEQ]|True
Generate ID By Intersect
Generates unique identifiers for features based on the identifiers of intersecting grid features.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | The field to contain the identifier | GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT | Source|Source Field|Name|{Width}|{Format}[ID][SEQ]|{Keep existing} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but the format of the field should be coordinated with the format of your identifier.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Polygon feature class or feature layer | Grid features. |
Source Field | Field name | Field containing grid identifiers. |
Name | String | The name of the sequence. |
Width (Optional) | Integer | The minimum length of the identifier. If the current value of [SEQ] is shorter than this value, zeros will be added to the left of [SEQ] to create the specified width. This is only valid for string fields. |
Format (Optional) | String | Static portion of the identifier. |
[ID] | Placeholder for the grid identifier in the generated ID; [ID] may appear anywhere in the formatted string. | |
[SEQ] | Placeholder for the iterated value; [SEQ] may appear anywhere in the format string. | |
Keep existing (Optional) | True | Limit the rule to only be triggered when the field is null. This will prohibit overwriting existing IDs. |
False (Default) | Trigger the rule to generate a new ID or overwrite the current ID, if it exists. |
Increments the GRIDSEQ value in the GenerateID table and concatenates it with the GRIDID field value of the intersecting feature in the fireDistrict layer; this new value is stored the HYDID field in the hydrants layer. In this example, if the GRIDID of fireDistrict feature is 1 and the GRIDSEQ is 27, then the HYDID will be 127:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: fireDistrict|GRIDID|GRIDSEQ
Left-pads the GRIDSEQ value before concatenating with the intersecting GRIDID value. In this example, if the GRIDID of fireDistrict feature is 1 and the GRIDSEQ is 27, then the HYDID will be 10027:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: fireDistrict|GRIDID|GRIDSEQ|4
Concatenates the GRIDID and GRIDSEQ values and appends to the text "Hydrant ". In this example, if the GRIDID of fireDistrict feature is 1 and the GRIDSEQ is 27, then the HYDID will be "Hydrant 1-27":
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: fireDistrict|GRIDID|GRIDSEQ||Hydrant [ID]-[SEQ]
Do not overwrite existing HYDID values when this rule is executed:
- Table Name: hydrants
- Field Name: HYDID
- Value Info: fireDistrict|GRIDID|GRIDSEQ||Hydrant [ID]-[SEQ]|True
Get Address From Centerline
Extracts address information from the closest point on a road. It is similar to a reverse geocode, but a locator service is not used.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to which the address will be written | GET_ADDRESS_FROM_CENTERLINE | Roads|Source|{Neighborhood} |
This rule always searches the feature class, not the feature layer.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Roads | Feature class | Road centerlines feature class. |
Source | String | Addressing information fields in the format: Road Name, To Left, To Right, From Left, From Right. |
Neighborhood (Optional) | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. If not specified, only intersecting features are used. |
Stores the address from a five foot search of the RoadCenterline layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: ADDRESS
Get Address Using ArcGIS Service
Performs a reverse geocode using a specified ArcGIS service.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to which the address will be written | GET_ADDRESS_USING_ARCGIS_SERVICE | {URL to Locator}|{WKID} |
This rule can only be configured on String fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
URL to Locator (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
ArcGIS Online geocoding service. |
String | The URL of the locator service to use for geocoding. | |
WKID (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Use the projection of the geocoding service. |
Integer | Project the results to the coordinate system specified by this well-known ID. |
Stores the address provided by ArcGIS Online in the ADDRESS field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: ADDRESS
Value Info:
Stores the address provided by a locator hosted by your organization's Portal:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info:
Your Portal's locator is in WGS 1984 Web Mercator (WKID 3857). The ProposedSites layer is in NAD 1983 StatePlane Illinois East FIPS 1201 Feet (WKID 3435):
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info:|3435
Get Address Using Geocoder
Performs a reverse geocode using a geocoder.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to which the address will be written | GET_ADDRESS_USING_GEOCODER | Locator Path|Locator Name |
This rule can only be configured on String fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Locator Path | String | The directory containing the locator. |
Locator Name | String | The file name of the locator, with or without the file extension. |
Finds the nearest address and stores this value in the ADDRESS field in the sites layer:
- Table Name: sites
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info: D:/gis/data/locators|CountyLoc.loc
Creates a globally unique identifier (GUID).
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | String field long enough to store the specified GUID format. | GUID | {Format} |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Format (Optional) | N | GUID with no special characters and length of 32 00000000000000000000000000000000 |
D | GUID with dashes and length of 36 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | |
B (Default) | GUID with dashes, braces, and length of 38 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} | |
P | GUID with dashes, parentheses, and length of 38 (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) |
Stores a 38 character GUID in the PRIMARYKEY field in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: PRIMARYKEY
Value Info:
Stores a 32 character GUID in the PRIMARYKEY field in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: PRIMARYKEY
- Value Info: N
Intersecting Boolean
Stores a value if the triggering feature intersects a feature in the specified layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field into which value will be stored | INTERSECTING_BOOLEAN | Layer|{True Value}|{False Value} |
This rule can be configured on all features.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Layer | Feature class or feature layer | List of features which may intersect the lines in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
True Value (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Store the value 1 when an intersecting feature is found. |
Value | Store this value when an intersecting feature is found. | |
False Value (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Store the value 0 when an intersecting feature is not found. |
Value | Store this value when an intersecting feature is not found. |
If the current feature in the proposedSites layer intersects a feature in the serviceTerritory layer, store 1 in the LOCATION field; otherwise, store 0:
- Table Name: proposedSites
- Field Name: LOCATION
- Value Info: serviceTerritory
If the current feature in the proposedSites layer intersects a feature in the serviceTerritory layer, store 1.25 in the MODIFIER field; otherwise, store 1.75:
- Table Name: proposedSites
- Field Name: MODIFIER
- Value Info: serviceTerritory|1.25|1.75
Intersecting Count
Calculates the number of intersecting features and stores the count in the specified field.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field into which the count will be copied | INTERSECTING_COUNT | Source |
This rule can be configured on polygon features, and the count value must be populated in Floating or Short fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Feature class or feature layer | Intersecting features from which a count will be calculated. |
Stores the number of intersecting features between the current feature in the proposedSites layer and the serviceTerritory layer in the INTER field:
- Table Name: proposedSites
- Field Name: INTER
- Value Info: serviceTerritory
Intersecting Edge
Copies a field value from the first intersecting edge feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field into which the values will be copied | INTERSECTING_EDGE | Field |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | Field to copy from the intersecting edge. |
Copies the value from the DIAM field in the first intersecting edge feature and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the wPipes layer:
- Table Name: wPipes
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: DIAM
Intersecting Feature
Copies a value from an intersecting feature in the specified layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field for the intersecting values | INTERSECTING_FEATURE | Input|Source|{Method}|{Not Found} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Input | String | List of layers to search for intersecting features in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Source | Field name | Field from the intersecting feature to copy. |
Method (Optional) | F (Default) | Return the first result found. |
P | Present dialog box of intersecting features. | |
C | Use the centroid as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id. | |
CP | Use the centroid as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features. | |
S | Use the start point of the line as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id. | |
SP | Use the start point of the line as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features. | |
E | Use the end point of the line as the intersection point, choosing the feature with the lowest object id. | |
EP | Use the end point of the line as the intersection point, presenting a dialog box of intersecting features. | |
H | Use the feature with the highest object id. | |
Not Found (Optional) | True | If no intersecting feature is found, existing values will be set to null. |
False (Default) | If no intersecting feature is found, value will remain. |
Copies the value from the DIAM field in the first intersecting feature and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: wMain|DIAM
Finds all intersecting features in the ssPressurizedMain and ssGravityMain layers and presents the user with a dialog box of intersecting features from which to choose. If there are no intersecting features, the DIAMETER field in the ssManhole layer will not be overwritten:
- Table Name: ssManhole
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|DIAM|P|False
Copies the value from the DIAM field in the intersecting feature with the highest Object ID value and stores the value in the DIAMETER field in the ssFitting layer. If there are no intersecting features, the DIAMETER field in the ssManhole layer will be set to Null::
- Table Name: ssFitting
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAM|H|True
Intersecting Feature Distance
Calculates the distance along a line feature where a line is intersected by another feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to hold the distance measurement | INTERSECTING_FEATURE_DISTANCE | Source|Identifier |
This rule can only be configured on numeric or text fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Feature class or feature layer | List of features which may intersect in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Identifier | Field name | Field identifying the intersecting feature |
Finds the intersecting feature in the ssPressurizedMain or ssGravityMain layer and calculates the distance from the start point to the current feature. The distance will be copied to the DISTALONG field in the ssManhole layer:
- Table Name: ssManhole
- Field Name: DISTALONG
- Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|FACILITYID
Populates the DISTDESC field with a string similar to "123.45 Feet along Pressurized Mains with Facility Identifier PM-0025":
- Table Name: ssManhole
- Field Name: DISTDESC
- Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|FACILITYID
Intersecting Layer Details
Extracts the name or file path of an intersecting layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to hold the details of the intersecting feature | INTERSECTING_LAYER_DETAILS | Source|Result|Method|{Filter} |
This rule can only be configured on String fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | RASTER | Extract details for intersecting rasters only. |
VECTOR | Extract details for intersecting vector features only. | |
BOTH | Extract details for intersecting rasters and vectors. | |
List of feature classes or feature layers | Extract details for intersecting features from a defined list of feature classes or feature layers in the format layer1,layer2,etc. | |
Result | P | Extract the full path of the intersecting feature class. |
N | Name of the intersecting layer. | |
F | The name of the feature class. | |
Method | C | Search using centroids. |
P | Prompt for search method. | |
F | Return the first result found. | |
Filter (Optional) | String | Restrict the intersecting features to those matching a wildcard filter. |
Copies the source name of the first intersecting raster and stores this value in the ZONE field in the sites layer:
- Table Name: sites
- Field Name: ZONE
- Value Info: RASTER|F|F
Copies the full path of the first intersecting feature in the ssPressurizedMain or ssGravityMain layers and stores this value in the PIPE field in the ssManhole layer:
- Table Name: ssManhole
- Field Name: PIPE
- Value Info: ssPressurizedMain,ssGravityMain|P|F
Presents the user with a dialog box of all intersecting vector layers containing the text "Main"; the selected layer name is copied:
- Table Name: ssManhole
- Field Name: PIPE
- Value Info: VECTOR|N|P|Main
Intersecting Raster
Extracts a raster cell value at a feature location. If the feature is a line or polygon, the raster value at the feature centroid is used.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to hold the extracted value | INTERSECTING_RASTER | Source|{Label} |
If a label is specified and the target field is not a text field, the label will be omitted.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Raster | Raster from which the value will be extracted. A list of rasters may be entered in the format raster1,raster2,etc. |
Label (Optional) | String | Prepend text; omitted if left blank. |
Copies the current cell value from the FiveMeterSurface raster in the ELEV field in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: ELEV
- Value Info: FiveMeterSurface
Concatenates "Elevation: " with the current raster cell value:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: ELEV
- Value Info: FiveMeterSurface|Elevation:
Intersecting Statistics
Calculates statistics on a specified field for intersecting features.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to store the statistics | INTERSECT_STATS | Source|Source Field|Statistic|Neighborhood|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Layer or feature class | Intersecting features |
Source Field | Field name | Numeric field to analyze |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field from all features in the ssGravityMain layer within 25 units of the current feature into the MAXDIAM field in the junctions feature class:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Max|25
Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Concat|25
Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|Concat|25|;|DESC
Junction Rotation
Stores the rotation angle of a junction feature based on connected edge features.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Point feature class | Field to store the rotation angle | JUNCTION_ROTATION | {Type}|{Additional}|{Special}|{Source} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating, Integer, or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Type (Optional) | A | Arithmetic rotation (counter-clockwise from positive X axis). |
G (Default) | Geographic rotation (clockwise from positive Y axis). | |
Additional (Optional) | Value | Additional degrees to rotate the features. |
Special (Optional) | Numeric field name | Features will be spun from the smaller to the larger value. For example, you can use this for reducer fittings and the diameter field of the mains so the reducer is properly oriented. |
Source (Optional) | Feature class | Rotation will be calculated based on angle of features only in this layer. Note: The database name of the feature class must be used. |
Stores the geographic rotation of the junction in the ROT field in the junctions layer:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: ROT
Value Info:
Stores the geographic rotation of the junction plus an additional 90-degree rotation in the ROT field in the junctions layer. Only the ssLateralLines edge layer will be used to determine rotation and the rotation value will be oriented from smaller to larger:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: ROT
- Value Info: |90|DIAMETER|ssLateralLines
Last Value
Repeats the last value used in a field.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | The field in which the value will be repeated | LAST_VALUE | Null Values|Default|On Create |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Null Values | True | Only affects null values. |
False | Overwrites all field values. | |
Default | Value | The value to enter in the field if there is no last value. |
On Create (Optional) | True | The value of created features overwrites the last value array. This is the default behavior if no parameter is set. |
False | The value of created features does not overwrite the last value array. |
Copies the value last entered in the TYPE field in the wMain layer, overwriting existing field values; if there isn't a previous value, use PVC:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: TYPE
- Value Info: False|PVC
Stores the y-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | The field in which the value will be stored | LATITUDE | {Location} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Y-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself. |
S | Y-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features. | |
E | Y-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features. |
Stores the latitude of the polygon's centroid in the LATLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: LATLOC
Value Info:
Stores the latitude of polyline's start point:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: LATLOC
- Value Info: S
Calculates the length of line features and the area of polygon features.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | The field to store the measurement | LENGTH | {Geodesic} |
This rule can only be configured on line and polygon feature classes, and the length value must be populated in Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Geodesic (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Calculates the length/area in database units, using planar measurements. |
False | Calculates the length/area in database units, using planar measurements. | |
True | Calculates the length/area in database units, using geodesic measurements (true shape). |
Calculates the length of a line in the wLateralLine layer and stores in the LENGTH field:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: LENGTH
Value Info:
Calculates the geodesic or true length of a line:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: LENGTH
- Value Info: True
Calculates the geodesic or true area of a polygon in the AreaOfInterest layer and stores in the AREA field:
- Table Name: AreaOfInterest
- Field Name: AREA
- Value Info: True
Link Table Asset
Updates a field in the table or layer with a value from a selected feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | The field to update. List multiple fields in the format field1,field2,etc. | LINK_TABLE_ASSET | Source|Source Field |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Layer or feature class | The feature layer or feature class from which the values will be copied. |
Source Field | Field name | The field to copy; if there are multiple fields, list them in the format field1,field2,etc. The number of fields here must match the number of fields listed in Field Name. |
Copies the value of the FACILITYID field of the selected feature in the wMain layer to the FID field of the current feature in the in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: wMain|FACILITYID
Copies the values from the ADDRESS and OWNER fields into the HOUSEADDRESS and HOUSEOWNER fields, respectively:
- Table Name: proposedSites
- Value Info: parcels|ADDRESS,OWNER
Stores the x-coordinate value projected to WGS84 decimal degrees.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | The field in which the value will be stored | LONGITUDE | {Location} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
X-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself. |
S | X-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features. | |
E | X-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features. |
Stores the longitude of the polygon's centroid in the LONLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: LONLOC
Value Info:
Stores the longitude of polyline's start point:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: LONLOC
- Value Info: S
Map Info
Stores information from the current map document metadata or the version info of the layer being edited.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or Feature Class | The field in which the value will be stored | MAP_INFO | Property Type|{Field to Monitor} |
This rule can only be configured on text fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Property Type | AUTHOR | The map document author. |
NAME | The map document name (filename without extension). | |
PATH | The map document path (folder containing the map document). | |
TITLE | The map document title. | |
VERSION | The version name of the layer being edited. When editing a non-versioned dataset, FGDB will be stored. |
Field to Monitor (Optional) | Field name | The field to monitor for changes. |
Stores the author from the map document properties in the AUTH field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: AUTH
- Value Info: AUTHOR
Stores the workspace version of the ProposedSites layer whenever a value in the LASTEDITOR field is changed:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: AUTH
Minimum Length
Rejects a newly created line feature if the length of the line is less than the specified distance.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Blank or null | MINIMUM_LENGTH | Length |
This rule can only be configured on linear features and the length value must be populated in Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Length | Numeric | Minimum length of line |
Rejects new features in the streets layer that are less than 5 units long:
- Table Name: streets
Field Name:
- Value Info: 5
Multiple Field Intersecting Values
Copies values from new intersecting features into a target layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class with which features will intersect | Null or blank | MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT | Source|Source Field|Target Fields|Neighborhood |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Layers or feature classes | Intersecting layer from which values will be copied; multiple layers can be specified in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Source Field | Field name | Field from which values will be copied. |
Target Fields | Field name | List of fields to which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Finds all features from the ssGravityMain layer that intersect the current feature in the manhole layer. For each feature in ssGravityMain that intersects, copy the DIAMETER field value into the D1, D2, and D3 fields in the manhole layer. In this example, if there are three features in ssGravityMain - with diameters of 6, 7, and 8 - that intersect the current manhole feature, then these values will be copied to D1, D2, and D3, respectively.
- Table Name: manhole
Field Name:
- Value Info: ssGravityMain|DIAMETER|D1,D2,D3|0
Finds all features in the ssGravityMain and ssSewerMain layers that are within 25 units:
- Table Name: manhole
Field Name:
- Value Info: ssGravityMain,ssSewerMain|DIAMETER|D1,D2,D3|25
Nearest Feature
Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to which the values will be copied | NEAREST_FEATURE | Source|Source Field|Neighborhood|{Source Filter}|{Target Filter} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Feature layer or feature class | List of datasets that may contain the nearest feature in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Source Field | Field name | Field from which values will be copied. |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Source Filter (Optional) | Field name | Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Target Filter field. |
Target Filter (Optional) | Field name | Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Source Filter field. |
Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature. Store the value from the ACC field into the ACCOUNT field of the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: ACCOUNT
- Value Info: wMeter|ACC
Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature within 100 units:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: ACCOUNT
- Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC|100
Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature whose DIAM is the same as current feature's DIAMETER:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: ACCOUNT
- Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC||DIAM|DIAMETER
Nearest Feature Attributes
Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Null or blank | NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES | Source|Source Fields|Target Fields|{Neighborhood}|{Reset to Default} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Line feature layer or feature class | Dataset near the target dataset. |
Source Fields | Field name | List of fields from which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Target Fields. |
Target Fields | Field name | List of fields to which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Source Fields. |
Neighborhood (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Only intersecting features are considered. |
Number | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. | |
Reset to Default (Optional) | True | If no feature is found within the specified neighborhood distance, field values will be overwritten with the field's default value. |
False (Default) | Field values will not change. |
Stores the value from the ACC and ASSIGN fields in the nearest wMeter layer into the ACCOUNT and ASSIGNEDTO fields, respectively, of the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
Field Name:
Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature within 100 units. If a feature cannot be found, populate with the default field value:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
Field Name:
Populates the location of a point a specified distance from the nearest line feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Two field names in the format field1,field2 to store the x and y values | OFFSET | Source|Offset|Neighborhood |
This rule can only be configured on point features, and the offset value must be populated in Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Layer or feature class | Line feature class or feature layer. |
Offset | Field name or value | Field containing the offset values, or a single value to use for all features. A positive value will offset to the right side of the line, whereas a negative value will offset to the left. |
Neighborhood | Value | Maximum distance to search for nearest feature. |
Searches the roadCenterline layer for the nearest line to the current feature in the addresses layer within 500 units. Calculates the X and Y coordinates of a point offset 75 perpendicular units to the right of the line, storing the values in the OFFX and OFFY fields, respectively, in the addresses layer:
- Table Name: addresses
- Field Name: OFFX,OFFY
- Value Info: roadCenterline|75|500
Calculates the perpendicular offset of 50 units to the left of the line where the current feature in the addresses layer intersects a feature in the roadCenterline layer:
- Table Name: addresses
- Field Name: OFFX,OFFY
- Value Info: roadCenterline|-50|0
Previous Value
Monitors a field, and when it is changed, stores the previous value in another field.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to monitor for changes | PREVIOUS_VALUE | Field |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | Field to store the previous value |
Monitors the ADDRESS field in the streets layer for changes and copies the original value to the LASTADDR field:
- Table Name: streets
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info: LASTADDR
Identifies records containing null values. If the field uses a subtype or domain, those options are presented in the dialog box for the user to select.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | List of fields to search in the format field1,field2,etc. | PROMPT | Null or blank |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
There are no parameters for this method.
Identify records with null values in the FACILITYID, DIAMETER, and/or TYPE fields in the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
Value Info:
Set Measures
Populates the m-coordinates of line features. M-values can be used to add route events to point and line events dynamically along line features.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class with m-values enabled | SET_MEASURES | {Type} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Type (Optional) | Blank (Default) | Calculates m-values from zero to the length of the line in map units. |
P | Calculates m-values as a percentage of the length of the line (0–100%). |
Calculates the m-values in the wLateralLine layer in map units:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: M_VALUE
Value Info:
Calculates the m-values as a percentage:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: M_VALUE
- Value Info: P
Determines if a point feature is to the left or right of a corresponding line feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to contain side value | SIDE | Source|Primary Key|Foreign Key |
This rule can only be configured on point features, and the value must be populated in a String field.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Layer or feature class | Line features |
Primary Key | Field name | Identifying field for line features in the line feature class |
Foreign Key | Field name | Field in the point feature class containing the identifiers of the corresponding line features |
Copies the value "Right" or "Left" into the SIDE field in the address layer. The STNAME field in the address layer is used to find the line feature with the same value in the STREET field in the masterStreets layer:
- Table Name: address
- Field Name: SIDE
- Value Info: masterStreets|STREET|STNAME
Split Intersecting Feature
Splits features that intersect with features in a source layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Null or blank | SPLIT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE | Feature Class |
This rule can only be configured on point features. It does not work for geometric network features.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Feature Class | feature classes | List of feature classes that will be split by the input features in the format layer1|layer2|etc. |
Splits the wMain layer where it intersects with features in the wHydrant layer:
- Table Name: wHydrant
Field Name:
- Value Info: wMain
Splits the wMain and wLateral layers:
- Table Name: wHydrant
Field Name:
- Value Info: wMain|wLateral
Populates the current date and time.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Date or string field | TIMESTAMP | {Format} |
This rule can only be configured on String fields if you select the YEAR, DAY, or MONTH parameters.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Format (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Use the current date and time. |
DATE | Date only. | |
TIME | Time only in 12-hour format. | |
TIME24 | Time only in 24-hour format. | |
DAY | Day only. | |
MONTH | Month only. | |
YEAR | Year only. | |
CUSTOM | Specify format; for example, hh:mm:ss tt = 09:30:00 AM, MMMM = Month in text, such as March, and HH = Hour of the day, such as 23. |
Stores the current date and time in the EDITDATE field in the wLateralLine layer:
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: EDITDATE
Value Info:
Stores the current date in all layers:
- Table Name: *
- Field Name: EDITDATE
- Value Info: DATE
Stores the current date in long time (for example, Monday, June 15, 2009):
- Table Name: wLateralLine
- Field Name: EDITDATE
- Value Info: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
To Edge Field
Copies a field value from a connected To Edge feature to a connected junction feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Point feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the junction feature layer | TO_EDGE_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to copy in the To Edge layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected To Edge features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the To Edge layers into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic
To Edge Multiple Field Intersect
Copies values for all To Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Geometric network junction feature class | Null or blank | TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT | Source|Target |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Field to copy |
Target | String | Array of fields to populate in the form field1,field2,etc. |
Copies the value from the DIAMETER field from the To Edges features to the DIAM1, DIAM2, and DIAM3 fields in the Connections layer:
- Table Name: Connections
Field Name:
To Edge Statistics
Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to To Edges in a geometric network.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field to store the statistics | TO_EDGE_STATS | Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder} |
This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Field name | Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3 ) |
Statistic | Min | Minimum value |
Max | Maximum value | |
Sum | Sum of all values | |
Mean | Mean value | |
Concat | Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed. | |
Delimiter (Optional) | Any character except | is valid; the default is , . |
Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
SortOrder (Optional) | ASC | Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
DESC | Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat. |
Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field for all connected To Edges features into the MAXDIAM field in the wHydrants layer:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Max
Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: MAXDIAM
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat
Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:
- Table Name: wHydrants
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC
To Junction Field
Copies a value from a connected To Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the end of the currently edited line.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Line feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the line feature layer | TO_JUNCTION_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type except when Field is specified as (NAME)
; in this case, the field type must be String.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field Name | The field to copy in the To Junction layer. |
(NAME) | If specified as (NAME) , the feature class name will be used instead of a feature value. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected To Junction features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the name of the feature class that is snapped to the end point of the current line into the ENDPT field of the wMain layer. In this example, the value "Water_Net_Junctions" might be copied to the ENDPT field:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: ENDPT
- Value Info: (NAME)
Copies the value from the FID field in the To Junction layers into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Edge
Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Edge feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to monitor for changes | TRIGGER_AAEVENT_FROM_EDGE | Event Type |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Event Type | CREATE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the From Edge. |
CHANGEGEO | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the From Edge. | |
CHANGE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the From Edge. |
Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all From Edges:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: OFFSET
- Value Info: CREATE
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Junction
Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Junction feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to monitor for changes | TRIGGER_AAEVENT_FROM_JUNCTION | Event Type |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Event Type | CREATE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the From Junction. |
CHANGEGEO | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the From Junction. | |
CHANGE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the From Junction. |
Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all From Junctions:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: OFFSET
- Value Info: CREATE
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event Intersecting Feature
Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the intersecting features. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to monitor for changes | TRIGGER_AAEVENT_INTERSECTING_FEATURE | Input|Event Type |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Input | String | List of layers to search for intersecting features in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Event Type | CREATE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the intersecting features. |
CHANGEGEO | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the intersecting features. | |
CHANGE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the intersecting features. |
Monitors the DIAMETER field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all intersecting features:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: DIAMETER
- Value Info: CREATE
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Edge
Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Edge feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to monitor for changes | TRIGGER_AAEVENT_TO_EDGE | Event Type |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Event Type | CREATE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the To Edge. |
CHANGEGEO | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the To Edge. | |
CHANGE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the To Edge. |
Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all To Edges:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: OFFSET
- Value Info: CREATE
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Junction
Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Junction feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field to monitor for changes | TRIGGER_AAEVENT_TO_JUNCTION | Event Type |
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Event Type | CREATE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the To Junction. |
CHANGEGEO | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the To Junction. | |
CHANGE | Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the To Junction. |
Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all To Junctions:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: OFFSET
- Value Info: CREATE
Update From Edge Field
Copies a field value from a junction to a connected From Edge feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Point feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the junction feature layer | UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to update in the From Edge layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected From Edge features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer into the FACILITYID field in the From Edge layers:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID
Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain
Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Update From Junction Field
Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected From Junction feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Line feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the line feature layer | UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to update in the From Junction layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected From Junction features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer into the FID field in the From Junction layers:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID
Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection
Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Update Intersecting Feature
Updates a field in an intersecting feature with a value or a field value from the modified or created feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class to monitor for changes | Blank or null | UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE | Target|Target Field|Source Field |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Target | Layer or feature class | Layer or layers containing features that intersect the original updated feature. List multiple layers in the format layer1,layer2,etc. |
Target Field | Field name | Field in the Target layers into which a value will be copied. Only one Target Field may be defined, so a common field name is required for multiple Target layers. |
Source Field | Value or field name | Value or field in Table Name that will be copied into the Target Field. |
Monitors the project layer for changes; when the feature's geometry or attribute values are changed, copy the value of the STATUS field in the project layer to the PROJSTATUS field in all intersecting features in the sites layer:
- Table Name: project
Field Name:
- Value Info: sites|PROJSTATUS|STATUS
Copies 0 to the STATUS field in all intersecting features in the sites, structures, and boundaries layers:
- Table Name: project
Field Name:
- Value Info: sites,structures,boundaries|PROJSTATUS|0
Update Linked Record
Finds the related records in another table or layer and updates a field in those records.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class to monitor for changes | The field to monitor and copy | UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD | Target|Target Field|Primary Key|Foreign Key |
This rule can be configured on any field type. This method cannot be triggered from the Attribute Assistant toolbar.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Target | Layer or feature class | Related table into which the values will be copied. |
Target Field | Field name | The field to populate with the copied record. |
Primary Key | Field name | Source features identifier used in the related table. |
Foreign Key | Field name | Related table field corresponding to the source features. |
Monitors the ADDRESS field in the Parcels layer for changes; when this value is changed, copy it to the FNAME field in the Parcels_AddressPoints related table. The relationship was created with a primary key on the ParcelID field in Parcels and a foreign key on the PID field in AddressPoints:
- Table Name: Parcels
- Field Name: ADDRESS
- Value Info: Parcels_AddressPoints|FNAME|ParcelID|PID
Update To Edge Field
Copies a field value from a junction to a connected To Edge feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Point feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the junction feature layer | UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to update in the To Edge layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected To Edge features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer into the FACILITYID field in the To Edge layers:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID
Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain
Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wServiceConnection
- Field Name: FID
- Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Update To Junction Field
Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected To Junction feature.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Line feature class participating in a geometric network | Field in the line feature layer | UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD | Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value} |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field | Field name | The field to update in the To Junction layer. |
Source (Optional) | Layer or feature class | If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected To Junction features. |
Filter Field (Optional) | Field name | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields. |
Filter Value (Optional) | Value | Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field. |
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) | Value | Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box. |
Field Index (Optional) | Value | Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction. |
Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer into the FID field in the To Junction layers:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID
Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection
Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:
- Table Name: wMain
- Field Name: FACILITYID
- Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic
Validate Attribute Lookup
Verifies field values against entries in a lookup table.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field or fields to monitor | VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTE_LOOKUP | Source|Field |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Source | Table, layer, or feature class | Lookup table. |
Field | Field name | Field name in the lookup table. List multiple fields in the format field1,field2,etc. |
Monitors the NAME and MUNIC fields in the streets layer for changes and verifies that the new values exist in the FULLNAME and MUNICIPALITY fields, respectively, in the MasterStreetName table:
- Table Name: streets
- Field Name: NAME,MUNIC
- Value Info: MasterStreetName|FULLNAME,MUNICIPALITY
Validate Attributes
Compares values in the input fields to all feature templates for the feature class.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Blank or Leave Null | VALIDATE_ATTRIBUTES | Field |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Field or fields | List of field names | List of fields to monitor in the format field1,field2,etc. |
Monitors the DIAMETER, MATERIAL, and LINETYPE fields for changes and verifies that the new values are valid feature template values for the wLateralLines layer:
- Table Name: wLateralLines
Field Name:
Validate Connectivity
Validates the number of connections on a feature and rejects the edits if the criteria are not met.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | Field name to provide different valid connection values for each value within this field | VALIDATE_CONNECTIVITY | Connections |
This rule can be configured on any field type.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Connections | List number of connections | List the number of valid connections separated by |. |
Validates the current feature in the junctions layer to only allow one, two, or four connections:
- Table Name: junctions
Field Name:
- Value Info: 1|2|4
Validates the current feature to only allow one or three connections if the value in the TYPE field is Bend. If the TYPE field value is Tap, one or four connections are valid:
- Table Name: junctions
- Field Name: TYPE
- Value Info: Bend,1|Bend,3|Tap,1,4
Validate Domain
Validates data entry on field with domains against the domain. If the value is outside the range or not in the coded value list, the edit is aborted.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Table or feature class | Field or fields to monitor | VALIDATE_DOMAIN | Null or Blank |
There are no parameters for this method.
Monitors the DIAMETER, MATERIAL, and LINETYPE fields in the wLateralLines layer for changes. If the new value would violate the current domain, the edit does not occur:
- Table Name: wLateralLines
Value Info:
X Coordinate
Calculates the x-coordinate of a feature in database units.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | The field in which the value will be stored | X_COORDINATE | {Location} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
X-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself. |
S | X-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features. | |
E | X-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features. |
Stores the x-coordinate of the polygon's centroid in the XLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: XLOC
Value Info:
Stores the x-coordinate of polyline's start point:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: XLOC
- Value Info: S
Y Coordinate
Calculates the y-coordinate of a feature in database units.
To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:
Table Name | Field Name | Value Method | Value Info |
Feature class | The field in which the value will be stored | Y_COORDINATE | {Location} |
This rule can only be configured on Floating or Double fields.
The method parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location (Optional) | <Null> (Default) |
Y-coordinate of the centroid of line and polygon features. For point features, this is the point itself. |
S | Y-coordinate of the start point of line and polygon features. | |
E | Y-coordinate of the end point of line and polygon features. |
Stores the y-coordinate of the polygon's centroid in the YLOC field in the ProposedSites layer:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: YLOC
Value Info:
Stores the y-coordinate of polyline's start point:
- Table Name: ProposedSites
- Field Name: YLOC
- Value Info: S