This item has been moved to mature support.

Spatial operations

The Value Method field in the DynamicValue table defines the actions that occur when the Attribute Assistant is enabled and features are modified or created in ArcMap. Four fields in the DynamicValue table (Value Method, Table Name, Field Name, and Value Info) must be configured to use an Attribute Assistant method. The remaining fields define when the Attribute Assistant method should be applied.

The following three Attribute Assistant methods can be configured in your DynamicValue table:

Method Description
Nearest Feature Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
Nearest Feature Attributes Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer.
Offset Populates the location of a point a specified distance from the nearest line feature.

Nearest Feature

Copies a value from the nearest feature in a specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to which the values will be copied NEAREST_FEATURE Source|Source Field|Neighborhood|{Source Filter}|{Target Filter}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Feature layer or feature class List of datasets that may contain the nearest feature in the format layer1,layer2,etc.
Source Field Field name Field from which values will be copied.
Neighborhood Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.
Source Filter (Optional) Field name Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Target Filter field.
Target Filter (Optional) Field name Filter by restricting results to source features with a value in this field matching the value in the Source Filter field.


Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature. Store the value from the ACC field into the ACCOUNT field of the wLateralLine layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter|ACC

Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature within 100 units:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC|100

Searches the wMeter and wLateralPoint layers for the nearest feature whose DIAM is the same as current feature's DIAMETER:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: ACCOUNT
  • Value Info: wMeter,wLateralPoint|ACC||DIAM|DIAMETER

Nearest Feature Attributes

Copies a series of values from the nearest feature in a specified layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Null or blank NEAREST_FEATURE_ATTRIBUTES Source|Source Fields|Target Fields|{Neighborhood}|{Reset to Default}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Line feature layer or feature class Dataset near the target dataset.
Source Fields Field name List of fields from which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Target Fields.
Target Fields Field name List of fields to which values will be copied in the format field1,field2,etc. List must have the same number of values as Source Fields.
Neighborhood (Optional) <Null> (Default) Only intersecting features are considered.
Number Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.
Reset to Default (Optional) True If no feature is found within the specified neighborhood distance, field values will be overwritten with the field's default value.
False (Default) Field values will not change.


Stores the value from the ACC and ASSIGN fields in the nearest wMeter layer into the ACCOUNT and ASSIGNEDTO fields, respectively, of the wLateralLine layer:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: <Null>

Searches the wMeter layer for the nearest feature within 100 units. If a feature cannot be found, populate with the default field value:

  • Table Name: wLateralLine
  • Field Name: <Null>
  • Value Info: wMeter|ACC,ASSIGN|ACCOUNT,ASSIGNEDTO|100|True


Populates the location of a point a specified distance from the nearest line feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Two field names in the format field1,field2 to store the x and y values OFFSET Source|Offset|Neighborhood

This rule can only be configured on point features, and the offset value must be populated in Floating or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Layer or feature class Line feature class or feature layer.
Offset Field name or value Field containing the offset values, or a single value to use for all features. A positive value will offset to the right side of the line, whereas a negative value will offset to the left.
Neighborhood Value Maximum distance to search for nearest feature.


Searches the roadCenterline layer for the nearest line to the current feature in the addresses layer within 500 units. Calculates the X and Y coordinates of a point offset 75 perpendicular units to the right of the line, storing the values in the OFFX and OFFY fields, respectively, in the addresses layer:

  • Table Name: addresses
  • Field Name: OFFX,OFFY
  • Value Info: roadCenterline|75|500

Calculates the perpendicular offset of 50 units to the left of the line where the current feature in the addresses layer intersects a feature in the roadCenterline layer:

  • Table Name: addresses
  • Field Name: OFFX,OFFY
  • Value Info: roadCenterline|-50|0
