This item has been moved to mature support.

Geometric Network

The Value Method field in the DynamicValue table defines the actions that occur when the Attribute Assistant is enabled and features are modified or created in ArcMap. Four fields in the DynamicValue table (Value Method, Table Name, Field Name, and Value Info) must be configured to use an Attribute Assistant method. The remaining fields define when the Attribute Assistant method should be applied.

The following 18 Attribute Assistant methods can be configured in your DynamicValue table:

Method Description
Edge Statistics Provides statistics on a specified field for all connected edges in a geometric network.
From Edge Field Copies a field value from a connected From Edge feature to a connected junction feature.
From Edge Multiple Field Intersection Copies values for all From Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.
From Edge Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to From Edges in a geometric network.
From Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected From Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the start of the currently edited line.
Junction Rotation Stores the rotation angle of a junction feature based on connected edge features.
To Edge Field Copies a field value from a connected To Edge feature to a connected junction feature.
To Edge Multiple Field Intersect Copies values for all To Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.
To Edge Statistics Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to To Edges in a geometric network.
To Junction Field Copies a value from a connected To Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the end of the currently edited line.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Edge Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Edge feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Junction Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Junction feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Edge Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Edge feature.
Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Junction Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Junction feature.
Update From Edge Field Copies a field value from a junction to a connected From Edge feature.
Update From Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected From Junction feature.
Update To Edge Field Copies a field value from a junction to a connected To Edge feature.
Update To Junction Field Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected To Junction feature.

Edge Statistics

Provides statistics on a specified field for all connected edges in a geometric network.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Geometric network junction feature class Field to store the statistics EDGE_STATS Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder}

This rule can only be configured on String fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Field name Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3)
Statistic Min Minimum value
Max Maximum value
Sum Sum of all values
Mean Mean value
Concat Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed.
Delimiter (Optional) Any character except | is valid; the default is ,. Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat.
SortOrder (Optional) ASC Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.
DESC Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.


Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field in all connected edges into the MAXEDGES field in the junctions feature class:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXEDGES
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Max

Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXEDGES
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat

Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: MAXEDGES
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC

From Edge Field

Copies a field value from a connected From Edge feature to a connected junction feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Point feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the junction feature layer FROM_EDGE_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to copy in the From Edge layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected From Edge features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the From Edge layers into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID

Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain

Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic

From Edge Multiple Field Intersection

Copies values for all From Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Geometric network junction feature class Null or blank FROM_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT Source|Target

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Field name Field to copy
Target String Array of fields to populate in the form field1,field2,etc.


Copies the value from the DIAMETER field from the From Edges features to the DIAM1, DIAM2, and DIAM3 fields in the Connections layer:

  • Table Name: Connections
  • Field Name: <Null>

From Edge Statistics

Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to From Edges in a geometric network.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Table or feature class Field to store the statistics FROM_EDGE_STATS Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder}

This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Field name Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3)
Statistic Min Minimum value
Max Maximum value
Sum Sum of all values
Mean Mean value
Concat Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed.
Delimiter (Optional) Any character except | is valid; the default is ,. Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat.
SortOrder (Optional) ASC Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.
DESC Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.


Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field for all connected From Edges features into the MAXDIAM field in the wHydrants layer:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Max

Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat

Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC

From Junction Field

Copies a field value from a connected From Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the start of the currently edited line.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Line feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the line feature layer FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type except when Field is specified as (NAME); in this case, the field type must be String.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field Name The field to copy in the From Junction layer.
(NAME) If specified as (NAME), the feature class name will be used instead of a feature value.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected From Junction features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the name of the feature class that is snapped to the start point of the current line into the STARTPT field of the wMain layer. In this example, the value "Water_Net_Junctions" might be copied to the STARTPT field:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: STARTPT
  • Value Info: (NAME)

Copies the value from the FID field in the From Junction layers into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID

Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection

Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic

Junction Rotation

Stores the rotation angle of a junction feature based on connected edge features.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Point feature class Field to store the rotation angle JUNCTION_ROTATION {Type}|{Additional}|{Special}|{Source}

This rule can only be configured on Floating, Integer, or Double fields.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Type (Optional) A Arithmetic rotation (counter-clockwise from positive X axis).
G (Default) Geographic rotation (clockwise from positive Y axis).
Additional (Optional) Value Additional degrees to rotate the features.
Special (Optional) Numeric field name Features will be spun from the smaller to the larger value. For example, you can use this for reducer fittings and the diameter field of the mains so the reducer is properly oriented.
Source (Optional) Feature class

Rotation will be calculated based on angle of features only in this layer.

Note: The database name of the feature class must be used.


Stores the geographic rotation of the junction in the ROT field in the junctions layer:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: ROT
  • Value Info: <Null>

Stores the geographic rotation of the junction plus an additional 90-degree rotation in the ROT field in the junctions layer. Only the ssLateralLines edge layer will be used to determine rotation and the rotation value will be oriented from smaller to larger:

  • Table Name: junctions
  • Field Name: ROT
  • Value Info: |90|DIAMETER|ssLateralLines

To Edge Field

Copies a field value from a connected To Edge feature to a connected junction feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Point feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the junction feature layer TO_EDGE_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to copy in the To Edge layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected To Edge features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the To Edge layers into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID

Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain

Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic

To Edge Multiple Field Intersect

Copies values for all To Edges connected to a junction to a series of fields in the source layer.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Geometric network junction feature class Null or blank TO_EDGE_MULTI_FIELD_INTERSECT Source|Target

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Field name Field to copy
Target String Array of fields to populate in the form field1,field2,etc.


Copies the value from the DIAMETER field from the To Edges features to the DIAM1, DIAM2, and DIAM3 fields in the Connections layer:

  • Table Name: Connections
  • Field Name: <Null>

To Edge Statistics

Calculates statistics on a specified field for all features connected to To Edges in a geometric network.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Table or feature class Field to store the statistics TO_EDGE_STATS Source|Statistic|{Delimiter}|{SortOrder}

This rule can be configured on any field type, but a String field must be used if the Concat parameter is selected.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Source Field name Numeric field to summarize; multiple fields can be specified as a comma-delimited list (for example, field1,field2,field3)
Statistic Min Minimum value
Max Maximum value
Sum Sum of all values
Mean Mean value
Concat Delimited string containing all the values with duplicates removed.
Delimiter (Optional) Any character except | is valid; the default is ,. Characters used as delimiters; only used when the statistic is Concat.
SortOrder (Optional) ASC Sort the statistics in ascending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.
DESC Sort the statistics in descending order; only used when the statistic is Concat.


Stores the maximum value of the DIAMETER field for all connected To Edges features into the MAXDIAM field in the wHydrants layer:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Max

Stores a comma-delimited string of all DIAMETER values:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: MAXDIAM
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat

Stores a semicolon-delimited string, sorted in descending order:

  • Table Name: wHydrants
  • Field Name: DIAMETER
  • Value Info: DIAMETER|Concat|;|DESC

To Junction Field

Copies a value from a connected To Junction feature to a connected edge feature. Can also copy the name of the feature class at the end of the currently edited line.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Line feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the line feature layer TO_JUNCTION_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type except when Field is specified as (NAME); in this case, the field type must be String.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field Name The field to copy in the To Junction layer.
(NAME) If specified as (NAME), the feature class name will be used instead of a feature value.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only copy values from features in this layer; otherwise, copy values from all connected To Junction features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only copy features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the name of the feature class that is snapped to the end point of the current line into the ENDPT field of the wMain layer. In this example, the value "Water_Net_Junctions" might be copied to the ENDPT field:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: ENDPT
  • Value Info: (NAME)

Copies the value from the FID field in the To Junction layers into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID

Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection

Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic

Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Edge

Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Edge feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to monitor for changes TRIGGER_AAEVENT_FROM_EDGE Event Type


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Event Type CREATE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the From Edge.
CHANGEGEO Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the From Edge.
CHANGE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the From Edge.


Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all From Edges:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: OFFSET
  • Value Info: CREATE

Trigger Attribute Assistant Event From Junction

Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the From Junction feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to monitor for changes TRIGGER_AAEVENT_FROM_JUNCTION Event Type


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Event Type CREATE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the From Junction.
CHANGEGEO Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the From Junction.
CHANGE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the From Junction.


Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all From Junctions:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: OFFSET
  • Value Info: CREATE

Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Edge

Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Edge feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to monitor for changes TRIGGER_AAEVENT_TO_EDGE Event Type


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Event Type CREATE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the To Edge.
CHANGEGEO Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the To Edge.
CHANGE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the To Edge.


Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all To Edges:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: OFFSET
  • Value Info: CREATE

Trigger Attribute Assistant Event To Junction

Triggers the Attribute Assistant for the To Junction feature. Event is triggered after all rules are processed on the triggering feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Feature class Field to monitor for changes TRIGGER_AAEVENT_TO_JUNCTION Event Type


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Event Type CREATE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Create event on the To Junction.
CHANGEGEO Triggers the Attribute Assistant Geometry Change event on the To Junction.
CHANGE Triggers the Attribute Assistant Change event on the To Junction.


Monitors the OFFSET field in the wMain layer for changes and triggers create rules on all To Junctions:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: OFFSET
  • Value Info: CREATE

Update From Edge Field

Copies a field value from a junction to a connected From Edge feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Point feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the junction feature layer UPDATE_FROM_EDGE_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to update in the From Edge layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected From Edge features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer into the FACILITYID field in the From Edge layers:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID

Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain

Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic

Update From Junction Field

Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected From Junction feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Line feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the line feature layer UPDATE_FROM_JUNCTION_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to update in the From Junction layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected From Junction features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer into the FID field in the From Junction layers:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID

Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection

Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic


Update To Edge Field

Copies a field value from a junction to a connected To Edge feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Point feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the junction feature layer UPDATE_TO_EDGE_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to update in the To Edge layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected To Edge features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer into the FACILITYID field in the To Edge layers:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID

Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain

Copies the value into the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wServiceConnection
  • Field Name: FID
  • Value Info: FACILITYID|wMain|SVCTYPE|Domestic

Update To Junction Field

Copies a field value from a connected edge to a connected To Junction feature.

To configure this method, populate the following in the DynamicValue table:

Table Name Field Name Value Method Value Info
Line feature class participating in a geometric network Field in the line feature layer UPDATE_TO_JUNCTION_FIELD Field|{Source}|{Filter Field}|{Filter Value}

This rule can be configured on any field type.


The method parameters are as follows:

Parameter Value Description
Field Field name The field to update in the To Junction layer.
Source (Optional) Layer or feature class If specified, only update values from features in this layer; otherwise, update values from all connected To Junction features.
Filter Field (Optional) Field name Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Value. If specified, this value filters the Feature Class fields.
Filter Value (Optional) Value Must be specified in conjunction with Feature Class and Filter Field. If specified, only update features having this value in the Filter Field.
Include Feature Class Name (Reserved for future use) Value Option to include the name of the layer in the results dialog box.
Field Index (Optional) Value Option to use the flow direction to determine from and to, and not digitized direction.


Copies the value from the FACILITYID field in the wMain layer into the FID field in the To Junction layers:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID

Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection layer:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection

Copies the value into the FID field in the wServiceConnection feature class where the SVCTYPE field value is Domestic:

  • Table Name: wMain
  • Field Name: FACILITYID
  • Value Info: FID|wServiceConnection|SVCTYPE|Domestic
