Configure application

The Tactical Operation Planner application is a configuration of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. The application consumes the Tactical Operation Planner map.

Tactical Operation Planner application

To configure the Tactical Operation Planner application, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Create an app using Web AppBuilder and add the following:
    • Title: Tactical Operation Planner
    • Tags: Local Government, Tactical Operation Plans, Law Enforcement, Police, Tactical Operation Planner
    • Summary: The Tactical Operation Planner application can be used by command staff to create tactical operation plans for active shooter, barricaded gunmen, and other high-risk operations.
  3. Click the Theme tab and choose the Plateau Theme, then choose the Style and Layout for your Tactical Operation Planner application.
  4. Click the Map tab and if necessary click Choose Web Map, then browse to the Tactical Operation Planner map and click OK.
  5. Click the Widgets tab, then click Set the widget in this controller and remove the Legend widget.
  6. Click + to open the widget collection and choose the Add Data widget, Basemap Gallery widget, Print widget, and Smart Editor widget, and then click OK.
  7. Hover over the Smart Editor widget and click the small edit icon.
  8. Change the name of the Smart Editor widget to Develop Tactical Plans.
  9. Check the Enable editing check box to enable editing on all layers.
  10. Check the Allow Delete check box allow users to delete a feature.
  11. Click the Edit icon under the Fields column next to the Tactical Environment layer to open the Configure fields window.
  12. Uncheck Display and Editable on the Type field.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Repeat steps 10, through 12 for the following layers: Tactical Units, Routes, and Zones.
  15. Click OK to close the Develop Tactical Plans widget.
  16. Hover over the Develop Tactical Plan widget, then click the small circle in the lower left corner and change it to dark green, so the widget automatically opens when the app starts.
  17. Hover over the Print widget and click the small edit icon.
  18. Set the Default Layout to A4 Landscape, and click OK.
  19. Click < Widgets to return to the main widget menu.
  20. In the list of default widgets below the Header Controller, turn on the Search widget, by hovering the mouse pointer over the widget icon and click the small eye icon in the upper right corner.
  21. Click the Attribute tab and add Tactical Operation Planner as the application title.
  22. Remove the subtitle and uncheck the App State option.
  23. Change the application logo, by clicking the logo icon and browsing to an image of your choice, then click Open.
  24. Save the application.
  25. Browse to the application item details page and share it with law enforcement personnel responsible for creating Tactical Operation Plans.