Publish application

The application is published by moving the application files to a web server, converting them to an application, and defining the application pool using Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). This workflow uses Microsoft IIS 7. If you are using a different version, modify the workflow as necessary. Contact your server administrator for information about setting up the application on a virtual directory, server security, or installing and configuring ASP.NET.

To publish Photo Survey as an application, complete the following steps:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to <your directory>\Application folder.
  2. Copy the PhotoSurvey folder to your web server so it can be accessed as a website or virtual directory. In IIS, the default web server directory is <your directory>\Inetpub\wwwroot\.
  3. Browse to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. Click <your server> > Sites > Default Web Sites.
  5. Right-click the web server directory folder for the application and choose Convert to Application.
  6. Choose the DefaultAppPool application pool.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Begin using Photo Survey by browsing to http://<your server>/PhotoSurvey/default.htm.