Run the scripts

In the previous section you configured a closest facility layer for use in the backhaul process. Now you are ready to run the scripts using the sample data provided. To implement with your network data, see Data requirements. For further overview of the scripts, see Geoprocessing scripts.

Locate Assets script

Before the main backhaul process can be run, the remote assets must be sorted and have network locations added. Remote assets that are furthest removed from the fixed assets will be backhauled first. If fixed assets do no exist, this script will create them and add network locations.

  1. Open the BackhaulOptimization map document.
  2. Expand the Catalog window and browse to the Tool folder containing the Backhaul Python toolbox. Open the Locate Assets script.
  3. Specify the remote assets and network dataset. If you have fixed assets, specify those as well; otherwise, specify a polyline feature class to create fixed assets.

Backhaul Assets script

Once the fixed and remote assets have network locations, the Backhaul Assets script can be run multiple times with different selections on the assets. For example, a selection on geographic area or selection by attributes can give different route results. Additionally, the optional parameters in the Route Modifiers category can also impact the routes.

  1. Open the BackhaulOptimization map document.
  2. Expand the Catalog window and browse to the Tool folder containing the Backhaul Python toolbox. Open the Backhaul Assets script.
  3. Specify the fixed assets, remote assets, and near table created by the previous script. Specify the closest facility layer created in the previous step.
  4. Optionally, change the default parameters in the Route Modifiers category.