This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Coverage Processing

Coverage Processing can be used to process raster RF signal strength data output from RF planning tools into cleaned and simplified polygon data that is easy to visualize and understand.

Output from the solution can be shared in applications for sales and customer staff to determine signal strengths for locations within a service area. Output can also be used in applications to help customers visualize coverage in their area.


Coverage Processing requires specific technical experience and software.

Requirement Description
Map Authoring
  • ArcMap (Advanced) 10.2.1
    • Spatial Analyst
Map authoring
  • ArcMap (Standard or Advanced) 10.2.1
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 - 10.9
Map service hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise (Standard or Advanced) 10.6 - 10.9
  • Raster with signal strength calculated
  • Basic Viewer (ArcGIS configurable web application template)

What you get

When you download the Coverage Processing model, you'll find the following in the zip file:

Directory Item Description
Maps and GDBs CoverageProcessing.mxd A map document used to create and publish the coverage area.
CoverageProcessing.gdb A sample geodatabase with coverage data to perform the analysis and sample results.
CoverageProcessing.tbx A toolbox with coverage processing geoprocessing models and scripts.
Icons A folder containing icons for the services, maps, and apps.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Coverage Processing.

Date Description
November 2023
  • Coverage Processing has been moved to Mature Support.
December 2015
  • The Coverage Processing geoprocessing model includes additional parameters to reclassify values and set minimum area to remove features, gaps, and holes.
  • Update to the geoprocessing model to subdivide complex or vertex dense polygon features.
  • Update to the geoprocessing model so that features do not overlap.
  • Ability to handle potential geoprocessing errors associated with deleting features.
March 2014
  • First release of Coverage Processing

Get started with Coverage Processing
