Configure geoprocessing model

The Potential New Customers geoprocessing model allows the user to define an area and discover potential new gas customers within a specified distance from existing gas network infrastructure.

To run the geoprocessing model, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Potential_Customers.mxd.
  2. Open the ArcCatalog window, navigate to Maps and GDBs > GasMarketing.tbx.
  3. Right-click on the Potential New Customers geoprocessing model and select Open.
  4. Within the tool dialog box, update the following parameters:
    Max Distance from Existing Main The distance from a main to select potential customers. The default value is 50 feet.
    Output name for Excel spreadsheet The output name for the resulting Excel spreadsheet. Note that the model will not overwrite an existing Excel spreadsheet. Ensure the output name is unique for each spreadsheet per analysis.
  5. Define the area of interest by sketching the area of interest on the map.
  6. Run the geoprocessing model.
  7. The output will include the PotentialCustomerList feature class and Excel spreadsheet.

To configure the Potential New Customers geoprocessing model to analyze your data, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Potential_Customers.mxd.
  2. Update the map document with your gas network and parcel data.
  3. Right-click the Potential New Customers geoprocessing model and select Edit. This will open the ModelBuilder window.
  4. Update the data sources within the geoprocessing tool to your data.
  5. Save your changes before exiting and running the model.