
To implement the CCTV Processor solution at your organization, the following layers and fields are required.

Sewer Pipes Feature Class
Field Name Description
FACILITYID Uniquely identifies each of the pipe segments. This field corresponds with the InspectionID field in the Inspections table.
Conditions Table
Field Name Description
ConditionID Uniquely identifies each of the conditions corresponding to a particular inspection.
InspectionID Identifies which inspection is associated with the condition.
Distance Total distance from the start of the inspection to where the condition was logged.
Inspections Table
Field Name Description
InspectionID Uniquely identifies each inspections.
Pipe_Segment_Reference The ID of the sewer pipe that was inspected. This field corresponds with your utility's pipe dataset ID field (FACILITYID).
Direction Identifies the direction (upstream or downstream) where the inspection began. This field corresponds with the line direction in your utility's pipe dataset. The supported values are Upstream, U, Downstream, or D.
Length_Surveyed Identifies the total length surveyed for that inspection. This field is used to trim your utility's pipe dataset in the final output.
Media Conditions Table
Field Name Description
MediaCondID Uniquely identifies each Media Condition.
ConditionID Identifies which particular condition is associated with that media.
Image_Reference The name of the media on disk.
Media Inspections Table
Field Name Description
MediaID Uniquely identifies each Media Inspection.
InspectionID Identifies which particular inspection is associated with that media.
Video_Name The name of the media on disk.