Gridded Reference Graphics

Gridded Reference Graphics (GRGs) provide sector identifiers for easy categorization of specific areas within the Area of Operations. Coupled with numbered features, it is an easy and accurate way to both assign geographic areas and monitor progress among different units.

Creating a Canvas GRG

  1. In the Clearing Operations toolbox, open the Canvas Area GRG tool.
  2. For the Canvas Area field, select the appropriate area from the drop-down menu (in the sample data, Area of Operations).
  3. Set the measurements for the grid cells by either:
    • setting the Cell Width and Cell Height, and selecting meters or feet for the unit of measurement.
    • drawing an example cell using the "Grid Size" feature within the tool. Hold the shift key when digitizing the rectangle to lock the height and width ratio as a square.
  4. Set the Labeling Start Position and Style.
  5. Set the Output Name to the GRGCanvas feature class in the Results geodatabase.
  6. Click OK.

Creating a Point Target GRG

  1. In the Clearing Operations toolbox, open the Point Target GRG tool.
  2. Select the Target Point of Origin using the feature template included in the tool.
  3. Select the number of grid cells horizontally and vertically (rows and columns).
  4. Set the measurements for the grid cells by either:
    • setting the Cell Width and Cell Height, and selecting meters or feet for the unit of measurement.
    • drawing an example cell using the "Grid Size" feature within the tool. Hold the shift key when digitizing the rectangle to lock the height and width ratio as a square.
  5. Set the Labeling Start Position and Style.
  6. Set the Output Name to the GRGPointTarget feature class in the Results geodatabase.
  7. Click OK.

The next step is to Share the Map.
