Create a New Overlay

Add features for your own military overlay.

To create a new overlay, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose which symbol standard you are going to use to create your overlay, and open the corresponding map.
  2. Delete the sample data from the map using the Delete Features tool.
  3. Zoom and pan on the map to locate your area of interest.
  4. You can add features using the ArcGIS Pro editing tools and the feature templates included with the template. This workflow is outlined in both the Manage Feature Templates and the Create and Share an Overlay task groups.
  5. This workflow includes:

    1. In the Manage Templates pane, curate a custom list of feature templates.
    2. In the Create Features pane, use feature templates to draw your overlay.
    3. In the Attributes pane, customize the symbology of the features.
    4. Save your edits before sharing your overlay.