This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Logistics Planning is a configuration of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder that can be used by emergency management personnel to plan logistical operations and manage resource requests during an incident or event.

Logistics Planning can include incident and operation response information as part of a suite of applications to maintain situation awareness and provide a common operational picture.


To deploy Logistics Planning with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - 2.9 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced) with managed data store
  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

What you get

Logistics Planning can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization without downloading the solution. When you deploy Logistics Planning in your organization, you'll find the following:

Directory Item Description
Application Logistics Planning An application used by emergency management personnel to plan logistical operations and manage resource requests during an incident or event.
Map Logistics Planning A map used to display information about logistical operations and resource requests during an incident or event.
Feature layers CommodityStaging A feature layer used store commodity staging locations.
CommodityStaging_active A feature layer view used manage active commodity staging locations.
Evacuations A feature layer used to store evacuation routes, areas, and their status.
Evacuations_active A feature layer view used to manage active evacuation routes, areas, and their status.
IncidentLocations A feature layer used to store incident locations and related information.
IncidentLocations_active A feature layer view used to manage active incident locations and related information.
MissionReadyPackages A feature layer used to store locations where specific response and recovery capabilities are deployed during an incident.
MissionReadyPackages_active_dashboard A feature layer view used to view active locations where specific response and recovery capabilities are deployed during an incident.
PointsofDistribution A feature layer used to store locations where the public goes to pick up emergency supplies following an incident.
PointsofDistribution_active A feature layer view used to manage active locations where the public goes to pick up emergency supplies following an incident.
ResponseFacilities A feature layer used to store locations where specific facilities, assets, and resources and placed during an incident.
ResponseFacilities_active_dashboard A feature layer view used to view active locations where specific facilities, assets, and resources and placed during an incident.
RoadClosures A feature layer used to store current and planned road blocks, road closures with location affected, and detour routes.
RoadClosures_active A feature layer view used to manage active, current road blocks, road closures with location affected, and detour routes.
Living Atlas layers World Traffic Service A Living Atlas map service map service presents historical and near real-time traffic information for different regions in the world.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Logistics Planning.

Date Description
November 2020
June 2019
  • Revised RoadClosures feature layer and feature layer views schema to support the Common Internet File Structure (CIFS).
  • Replaced RoadClosures feature layer with RoadClosures_active feature layer view in the Logistics Planning map and application.
  • Added a Public Incident field to IncidentLocations feature layer and feature layer views to support the filtering of incidents available in public facing applications.
  • Added a fire incident domain type to IncidentLocations feature layer and feature layer views.
  • Removed all required fields from the Evacuations feature layer and feature layer views schema.
January 2019
  • Updated RoadClosures feature layer to use the same layers as the Road Closure solution.
  • Replaced OperationsResponse feature layer with MissionReadyPackages and ResponseFacilities feature layers.
  • Replaced LogisticsPlanning feature layer with CommodityStaging and PointsofDistribution feature layers.
  • Removed Demographics and Bridges feature layers.
  • Added About widget to include Logistics Planning workflows.
  • Replaced Edit widget with Smart Editor widget.
  • Updated map symbology.
June 2018
  • Minor bug fixes in the Situation Awareness widget.
April 2018
  • Minor bug fixes in the Situation Awareness widget.
December 2017
  • Minor bug fixes in the Situation Awareness widget.
June 2017
  • An option has been added to support creating a printable report.
  • An option has been added to disable layer management.
  • Snapshots are now shared within an ArcGIS Online Group.
March 2017
  • The snapshot button is now disabled when there is no potential impact of an incident in the defined location.
  • The Find Closest Address has been modified to better support localized projections (non-Web Mercator).
  • The Situation Awareness widget has been updated to improve how it works with various themes.
January 2017
  • Logistics Planning can now be deployed in your ArcGIS Organization with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool.
December 2016
  • Ability to create snapshots of location and supporting analyzed information.
  • Consolidated download information for analyzed inputs to include summary information from panel.
  • Ability to add count to each tab.
  • Ability to save point and line locations (in addition to polygons).
  • Ability to provide multiple input locations for analysis.
  • Redesigned UI.
  • Sample data updated.
September 2016
  • Sample data updated.
  • The Situational Awareness widget now honors visibility of the map.
June 2016
  • It is now possible to set an existing feature as the active incident on a smartphone device.
  • A new analysis type - Grouped Counts - has been added, which displays a count of features in the incident area, grouped by a specific field.
  • The user interface for the widget panel has been updated.
  • URLs or email addresses now display as hyperlinks on the widget panel.
  • The Situation Awareness widget now retains its current state when other widgets are opened. When the Situation Awareness widget is re-opened, the previously-defined incident area is still available.
December 2015
  • The Situation Awareness widget is incorporated into ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Developer Edition.
November 2015
  • The Situation Awareness widget is incorporated into ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
October 2015
  • First release of Logistics Planning

Get started with Logistics Planning
