Publish photo collection

Once you have collected street-level photos for your community, they can be associated with their respective parcels and organized in to a photo collection layer that contains a series of parcel points and the respective photos. Property survey questions can then be added to the photo collection layer and shared as an ArcGIS service. You can publish multiple photo collection layers that have unique property survey questions, or create multiple photo collections for a given location over time to illustrate change.

Create photo collection

To create a photo collection layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a geodatabase to stage your photo collection.
  2. If necessary, open a blank ArcMap document or ArcGIS Pro project.
  3. In ArcMap browse to PhotoSurvey.tbx in the ArcCatalog window, or add the toolbox in ArcGIS Pro.
  4. Double-click the Load Photos tool.
  5. In the Select a Workflow parameter, choose Associate Photo with Parcel.
  6. In the Passenger side photos parameter, browse to the folder containing your passenger side photos and click Add.
  7. In the Drivers side photos parameter, browse to the folder containing your driver side photos and click Add.
  8. Optionally, check Camera supports direction check box.
  9. In the Staging GeoDatabase parameter, browse to the staging geodatabase you created in Step 1 and click Add.
  10. In the Parcel Feature Class parameter, browse to your community's parcel layer and click Add.
  11. In the Parcel Identification Field parameter, click the drop-down and choose a parcel identification field.
  12. In the Survey Question File parameter, browse to Application\SurveyConfigurations, choose the *.ini file and click Add.
  13. Click OK.

Publish photo collection

Publishing the photo collection as a feature layer allows it to be accessed using the Photo Survey application. Select a deployment method using ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise and follow the steps below to publish the photo collection service required for the Photo Survey application.

To publish the photo collection layer and add it to ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps:

  1. Add your photo collection layer to an ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Publish the map using ArcMap as hosted feature service using ArcGIS Online or as a feature service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise, or ArcGIS Pro as a shared web feature layer.
  3. Browse to the service and edit the item details:
    • Title: PhotoSurvey.
    • Thumbnail image: Your image.
    • Description: Photo collection and survey for the community.
    • Tags: Photo Survey, Photo Collection.
    • Editing: Enable editing and Keep track of who created and last updated features.
    • What kind of editing is allowed: Only update feature attributes.
    • Sync: Disable Sync.
  4. Share the service with everyone.