Configure geoprocessing models

When run, the create site sector script uses locations from a CSV file to create the site and sectors. Then, the update site sector script can be run to generate pie slice shaped geometries to represent the sectors.

Create site sectors

To create the sector areas from a CSV file, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcCatalog, browse to the AntennaStructures\Maps and GDBs\AntennaStructures.gdb.
  2. Expand the Scripts toolbox within the geodatabase.
  3. Open the Create Site Sectors model using the sample data or your own antenna site and sector data.
  4. When complete, the Sector and Site layers within the AntennaStructures.gdb will be updated with the features.

Update sectors

To update the created sector features, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcCatalog, browse to the AntennaStructures\Maps and GDBs\AntennaStructures.gdb.
  2. Expand the Scripts toolbox within the geodatabase.
  3. Open the Update Sectors geoprocessing script and run the model using the sample data or your own antenna site and sector data.
  4. When complete, the Sector layer will be updated as follows:
    • Rotated in the correct direction or azimuth of the antenna
    • Appropriate sector width based on the antenna beam width
    • Optional offset for the case of building based antennas where individual antennas are distributed across a roof top
    • Optional radius to represent a rough approximation to the RF coverage area.