Define input

The Main Break Notification solution monitors the Leak Report feature service for newly reported water leak that require a shutdown. This service is created as part of the Water Leak Investigator solution. If you have not deployed that solution, do so now.

Input connector

  1. Log into the ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.
  2. Add a new Poll on ArcGIS Server for Feature Input Connector.
  3. Configure the connector with the following details:
    • Name: MainBreaks
    • ArcGIS Server Connection: <Service Connection>
    • Folder: Root or folder if you moved it to a folder
    • Service Name: LeakInvestigator (FeatureServer)
    • Layer: Leak Report
    • Create GeoEvent Definition: Yes
    • GeoEvent Definition Name: MainBreaks
    • Refresh Interval: 10
    • Get Incremental Updates: Yes
    • Method to Identify Incremental Updates: ObjectID
    • Query Definition: SHUTDOWNRQ = 'Shutdown Required'
    • Delete Polled Features: No

Update service definition

To allow the Utility Isolation Trace web app in the email message to center on the reported leak, you need to update the GeoEvent Definition to include the OBJECTID field.

  1. Log into the ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.
  2. Edit the MainBreaks GeoEvent Definition.
  3. Add a New Field with the following parameters:
    • Field Name: OBJECTID
    • Type: String
    • Cardinality: One
    • Added Tags: TRACK_ID
  4. Move the OBJECTID field to the top GEE Service