Configuring the Application

These steps assist in tailoring the application or changing the default settings. These settings include the default map layers, tools, and military overlays that display when the applications runs.

Editing the Configuration File

The application start-up settings are stored in the mapconfig.xml file in the application folder. Use these steps for assistance in editing the file.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing Vehicle Commander.jar.
  2. Open mapconfig.xml in a text editor.
  3. The file header comments explain the settings available. The general layout of the file is:
  4. <mapconfig> <layers> <layer>...<layer>... </layers> <initialextent>... <viewshed>... </mapconfig>
  5. Edit the <layers> entries to set the desired map layers that will be available. Available layer types include:
  6. Layer Type Description
    TiledCacheLayer An ArcGIS compact map cache or a tile package (.tpk) enabled for ArcGIS Runtime.
    TiledMapServiceLayer An ArcGIS Server cached map or image service.
    LocalDynamicMapLayer An ArcGIS map package (.mpk) enabled for ArcGIS Runtime.
    DynamicMapServiceLayer An ArcGIS Server dynamic map service or image service.
    Mil2525CMessageLayer A GeoMessage military overlay file.
  7. Edit the <initialextent> element to set the initial extent, using a center point in the map’s spatial reference and a scale.
  8. If using viewshed analysis in the application, edit the <viewshed> element. This element should contain the following child elements:
    Element Description
    servicepath The path to a GPK or URL to a geoprocessing service.
    taskname The name of the viewshed task in the GPK or service.
    observerheight The observer height (in the units of the elevation dataset being used by the GPK or service) to use for viewshed analysis.
    observerparamname The name of the observer feature set parameter.
    observerheightparamname The name of the observer height parameter.
    radiusparamname The name of the radius parameter.
  9. You are now ready to proceed to Launching the Application.