Set up your Operational Environment

Vehicle Commander is a stand-alone Java Application. It requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on the target machine. To reduce deployment size, the application is released separately for 32- and 64-bit CPUs. The following steps will help you verify that Java JRE is installed and check the target CPU architecture (32- or 64-bit).

  1. Review the hardware, software and data requirements for this template.
  2. Verify that the Java JRE is installed and meets the minimum expected version.
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Enter the command java -version
    3. Verify that there are no errors and the Java version is returned.
    4. Example: java version 1.8.0_31

  3. Check the Java target CPU (32- or 64-bit).
    1. Return to the command prompt (or open a new one).
    2. Enter the command java -version -d64
    3. If an error is returned, for example:
    4. This Java instance does not support a 64-bit JVM.

      ... then the JRE is a 32-bit version.

You are now ready to install the template.
