Launching the Application

These steps assist in launching the Vehicle Commander application with all command-line parameters.

Launching the Application

When you launch the application, you may need to provide additional command-line parameters to specify the license.

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing Vehicle Commander.jar.
  3. Example: cd application/VehicleCommander

  4. To run Vehicle Commander with optional parameters.
  5. Enter: java -jar VehicleCommander.jar {options}

  6. For {options} you can pass the following parameters:
  7. Parameter Switch Parameter Description
    -mapconfig {filename} Specifies a map configuration file other than the default mapconfig.xml file located in the application directory.
    -license {license string or file} Specifies a license to use with the application. This can be either the license string or the name of a file containing only the license string.
    -exts {ext license string(s)/file} Specifies a list of license extensions. This can be either a semicolon-delimited list of extension license strings or the name of a file containing only a semicolon-delimited list of extension license strings.
  8. Launch the application.
  9. Verify the application launches and functions normally.
    1. The application launches without error.
    2. A map is displayed.
    3. The navigation buttons are operational.
  10. You are now ready to proceed to using the application workflows.