Configure Information Lookup

Information Lookup can be configured in ArcGIS Online using the app configuration panel. Many aspects of the app, including the application lookup layers and store location, can be configured using this panel.

To access the app configuration panel, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an app using the Information Lookup configurable application template.
  2. Provide a title, tag, and summary for the application.

To configure the Information Lookup application, complete the steps for each configuration group:


  1. To select a map to be used in the Information Lookup application, click the Select Web Map button. Browse your content or the content in your organization and select the map that will be used in the application. The map you choose should include at least one layer, which will be the lookup layer.


  1. If you wish to include a title and icon, check Include a title and a title bar.
  2. To change the title displayed, specify a name in the Title Name parameter.
  3. To show an icon in the title bar, specify the URL to an icon in the Title Bar Icon parameter. Icon images should be 64 pixels by 64 pixels.
  4. To show the combined pop up on a side panel and not in the map, check Show the pop ups on the side panel. In order to have pop ups to appear in a side panel, the Include a title and a title bar option must be checked.
  5. When showing the pop up on the side panel, you can choose which side of the screen to show the pop up on by changing the Pop up side parameter. Valid options are left or right side.
  6. To disable the basemap selector in the application, uncheck the Show the basemap selector. By default, the basemap selector is enabled.


  1. To change the font color, click the color below Font Color to set the font color used in the application.
  2. To change the theme color, click the color below Theme Color to set the theme color used in the application.
  3. To change the hyperlink color, click the color below Hyperlink Color to set the hyperlink color used in the application.

Splash Screen

  1. To present a splash screen on startup of the application, check Display Splash Screen on Startup.
  2. To update the splash screen message, edit the Splash Screen message.
  3. To change the dimensions of a splash screen, update the Splash Screen Width and Splash Screen Height options. By default the splash screen dimensions are 290 pixels by 350 pixels.

Lookup Layers Settings

  1. Edit the Beginning Text and Ending Text that will be displayed in the pop up. You can include the following variables in either the beginning or end text:
    • {IL_SEARCHBY} pop up from the search by layer.
    • {<FieldName>} for a field from the search by layer.
    • {<LayerName>} for a count of the features from each look up layer.
    • {IL_LAT}, {IL_LONG}, {IL_XCOORD}, {IL_YCOORD} for coordinates from the lookup location, the centroid is used for a line or polygon.
  2. Specify the Max Zoom level for lookup. This is the maximum extent the map will zoom into. If a polygon or line is the lookup geometry, the extent of that feature will be used to scale the map. If it extends the maximum extent, the maximum extent will be used.
  3. To define the Lookup Layers, check the layers in your map that will be queried by the user selected location or the search by feature. The pop-ups defined in these layers are combined into a single pop-up and displayed to the user.

Search By Layer

  1. If you would like to have the ability to search for a feature using the search box, specify the name of the search name URL param name.
  2. To select the layer for the search, choose a layer in the Search by layer drop-down menu.
  3. To select the field to search on, highlight the field in the URL param search field
  4. To only include the search feature in the results if the search layer is included in the lookup layers, check Limit lookup results to search feature. For example, this option can be used when features in a lookup layer overlap and the results need to be limited to just the feature that has been search for or clicked.
  5. To check the amount of overlap of the searched results from the lookup layer with the search feature geometry, check Check size of overlap. For example, this options can be used when polygons share a boundary.
  6. If you have configured the application to check for overlap size, update the Minimum polygon overlap area to specify the minimum overlap size of polygons in the results.
  7. If you have configured the application to check for overlap size, update the Minimum line length to specify the minimum overlap size of lines in the results.
  8. To configure the message presented to users when no search features are found, update the follow parameters to configure the pop up:
    • No Search Feature Found Popup Title: the title of the pop up when no search features are found.
    • No Search Feature Found Popup Message: the pop up message when no search features are found.

Store Location

  1. Update the following parameters to store the centroid of the search location:
    • Store Location: option to store the location chosen by the application's user. If unchecked, these locations will not be stored.
    • Storage Layer Name: name of the point feature service layer in the map to store the location. Editing must be enabled for this layer. It is recommended that visibility on this layer is turned off.
    • Field used to store the Yes or No value: field in the storage layer to store a value if a result is returned from the lookup layers.
    • Yes value: value to store in the storage layer field when a result is returned from the lookup layers.
    • No value: value to store in the storage layer field when no result is returned from the lookup layers.
    • No Search Layer feature value, only used when a search layer is specified: value to store in the storage layer field when no Search By Layer feature is found.


  1. Update the following parameters to set the pop-up when results are returned:
    • Popup Title: title of the pop-up when results are returned from one or more lookup layers.
    • Popup Width: width of the pop-up.
    • Popup Max Height: maximum height of the pop-up.
  2. To replace the zoom to button with an email and link option, enable to Email and Link option in the pop-up. This parameter is only valid if the pop up is displayed on the map.
  3. If using a side panel to display the results and want to replace the zoom to button with an email and link option, enable to Email and Link option in the side panel pop up. This parameter is only valid if the pop-up is displayed on the map.
  4. Update the following parameters to set the pop-up when no results are returned:
    • Outside Lookup Layer Popup Title: title of the pop-up when no results are returned from the lookup layers.
    • Outside Lookup Layer Popup Message: message displayed in the pop-up when no results are returned from the lookup layers.

Search Settings

  1. To show the search box, enable the Enable search tool parameter. By default, search is enabled.
  2. Select the layers and locators for this application in the Configure search tool parameter. By default, the Esri World Geocoder is used for the search.
  3. Select the default locator in the Select default source parameter. By default, the Esri World Geocoder is the used as the default search source.
  4. To search all sources configured, check Search all sources.

Custom URL Parameter

To configure the application to support a custom URL parameter, configure the following parameters:

  1. Specify the URL parameters name in the URL param name parameter.
  2. Select the layer in the Layer to search for custom URL parameter value parameter.
  3. Select the field to search by in the URL param search field parameter.

When you have completed configuring the Information Lookup template, Save you configuration settings. Then, click Launch to view the configured application or Close to browse to the item details page of the application.
