Configure application

The Impact Analysis application is a configuration of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS to perform summarizations of asset information based on a defined area using the Situation Awareness widget. This widget allows you to sketch in an impact area and summarize electric asset data. The results can then be saved as a feature service or exported to a CSV.

Impact Analysis

To configure the Impact Analysis application, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an app from the Impact Analysis map and Web AppBuilder with the following settings:
    • Name: Impact Analysis
    • Description: The Impact Analysis application allows the user to identify impacts on the electric network in the event of a storm or other natural disaster. When the impact area is defined, the summarizations can be saved to a feature class or exported to a CSV.
  2. Update the app's theme and other general settings to your preferences.
  3. In the Map tab, click Choose Web Map and select the Impact Analysis map.
  4. Configure a Situation Awareness widget. For each layer that will be summarized, add the following tabs to your configuration: Situation Awareness widget tabs configuration

    Under Actions, click the Edit tool to open the Select Fields window and enable the Actions to Show Count and Show Length.

    Select Fields window

    Continue adding the remaining layers and configure them as follows:

    Layer Parameters
    Secondary Overhead Conductor

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Sec OH

    Actions: Show Count and Show Length

    Secondary Underground Conductor

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Sec UG

    Actions: Show Count and Show Length

    Primary Overhead Conductor

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Prim OH

    Actions: Show Count and Show Length

    Primary Underground Conductor

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Prim UG

    Actions: Show Count and Show Length

    Support Structure

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Poles

    Actions: Show Count

    Service Point

    Analysis Type: Summary

    Label: Outages

    Actions: Show Count

  5. In your Situation Analysis widget, under Save Options, Enable Save and choose your Impact Area layer.
  6. In your Situation Analysis widget, under CSV Options, Export all fields in the layer.
  7. In your Situation Analysis widget, under Display Options, Display Summary Features.
  8. Save the application.
  9. Browse to the Impact Analysis application and edit the item details:
    • Title: Impact Analysis
    • Thumbnail Image: Impact Analysis Thumbnail
    • Summary: An application used to identify impact on the electric network in the event of a storm.
    • Description: The Impact Analysis application allows the user to identify impacts on the electric network in the event of a storm or other natural disaster. When the impact area is defined, the summarizations can be saved to a feature class or exported to a CSV.
    • Tags: Electric, Storm Response, Impact Analysis