Publish application

All of the maps that make up the Gas Facility Maps are designed to be accessible to an entire organization. For example, field crews can view these maps from a mobile device using the ArcGIS Explorer application. These maps can also be accessed using ArcGIS Online. Optionally, you can configure an application for the maps to provide additional functionality for users of the maps. Included with ArcGIS Online is a series of configurable web application templates. For one or many maps created with the Gas Facility Maps, you can configure these application templates for the end user.

Viewer applications

To configure an application to view a gas facility map, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a configurable application template that meets the needs of the end user. For example, the Finder application can be used to search for features or addresses, print maps, and share the application via email.
  2. Create an app from one of the gas facility maps and your chosen configurable web application template. Share the app using the same properties as the map.
  3. Configure the app.
  4. Browse to the application created and edit the item details. Update the app's title, description, thumbnail icon, and tags.
  5. Configure additional applications for the maps you have created or for specific departments or types of end users of the application.