Configure applications

The Crowdsource Polling, Crowdsource Manager, and Local Perspective configurable application templates can be configured to track capital projects and share project status with key stakeholders and the general public. The Crowdsource Polling and Crowdsource Manager applications will be used by public works personnel to document construction activity and communicate project status to executives. The Local Perspective application will be used by the general public and other interested parties to review the status of capital projects under construction in the community.

Project Journal applications

The Project Journal applications can be used by engineers and project managers to record decisions, comments, and notes during capital project construction process. The applications can be hosted in ArcGIS Online, or downloaded and hosted on your local web server.

To configure a series of project journal applications using ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.
  2. Create an app from the Water Distribution Project Journal map using the Crowdsource Polling configurable application template, and share it with your Engineering and Construction group.
  3. Browse to the Water Distribution Project Journal application and edit the item details.
  4. Repeat the steps above for each asset you'd like to track construction activity on.

Project Tracking application

The Project Tracking application can be used by engineers and project managers to communicate the schedule, cost, and quality of active infrastructure projects to executives in the organization. This application can be hosted in ArcGIS Online, or downloaded and hosted on your local web server.

To configure the Project Tracking application using ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.
  2. Create an app from a group using the Capital Project Tracking group and Crowdsource Manager configurable application template, then share it with your Engineering and Construction group.
  3. Browse to the Capital Projects - Project Tracking application and edit the item details.

Capital Projects application

The Capital Projects application can be used by key stakeholders and the general public to review the status of capital projects under construction in the community. This application can be hosted in ArcGIS Online, or downloaded and hosted on your local web server.

To configure the Capital Projects application using ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.
  2. Create an app from the Capital Projects map using the Local Perspective configurable application template, and share it with your organization, everyone, and the Public Maps and Apps group.
  3. Browse to the Capital Projects application and edit the item details.