Configure Calls for Service application

Configure a Calls for Service map and share it with command staff and patrol officers. Law enforcement professionals can then visualize it on their desktop computers and identify where calls for service are clustering in your community using a configuration of the Summary Viewer application.

Calls for Service map

To create an ArcGIS Online Calls for Service map, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.
  2. Create a Command Staff and Law Enforcement Services Groups for staff in your law enforcement organization.
  3. Create a map for the Calls for Service application, by completing the following workflow:
    • Choose the Light Gray Canvas basemap.
    • Add the PoliceBeats and CallsforService layer to the map.
    • Configure pop-up for the CallsforService layer.
    • Save the map as Calls for Service, then type in tags that describe your map and enter a summary.
  4. Disable Time Animation on the CallsforService layer.
  5. Change the transparency on the Police Beats layer to 75%.
  6. Save and share the map with your Law Enforcement Services group.
  7. Browse to the Calls for Service map and edit the item details.

Calls for Service application

The Calls for Service application helps command staff and patrol officers visualize calls for service clusters in specific police beats. This application can be hosted in ArcGIS Online, or downloaded and hosted on your local web server.

To create a Calls for Service application using ArcGIS Online, complete the following steps:

  1. Create an app from the Calls for Service map using the Summary Viewer configurable application template. Save the application as Calls for Service and share it with your Command Staff group.

    To configure the application, do the following:

    • In the General tab, type in a Title, add a Logo URL, and choose a Color.
    • In the Summary tab, set Summary layer to Calls for Service, set Field to filter features to Beat, and check the Display summary as clusters check box.
    • Click SAVE, then CLOSE once you've finished configuring the application.
  2. Browse to the Calls for Service application and edit the item details.