This item has been moved to mature support.

Remove add-ins

Follow the steps below to remove previous versions of the add-ins.

  1. Locate and rename the add-ins existing configuration file. This will ensure the add-in installs the most recent configuration file. The list below provides the configuration file name for each add-in:
    • Address Management: loaded.address.config
    • Attribute Assistant: loaded.aa.config
    • Capital Planning: Config.config
    • Water Utility Network Tools: loaded.water.config
    • Gas Utility Network Tools: loaded.gas.config
  2. The configuration files are typically located in one of the following directories:
    Operating System Directory
    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Server 2008, 2012 %AppData%\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles
    Windows XP, 2000 and Server 2003 C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles
  3. In ArcMap, open the Add-In Manager and browse to Customize > Add-In Manager.
  4. Remove the previous version of the add-in you wish to install.
  5. Close all ArcMap and ArcCatalog sessions.
  6. Open ArcMap and using the add-in manager, ensure the previous version was uninstalled. This step is critical as it will completely remove the old version from the file system.
  7. Install the new add-in.
  8. Browse back to the configuration file folder and open your renamed configuration file and the one created by the add-in.
  9. Compare the two files and add any missing configuration parameters from the new file to yours.
  10. Delete or rename the file created by the add-in and rename your original file to the appropriate name required by the add-in.