This item has been moved to mature support.

Configure the Service Feasibility widget

The Service Feasibility widget allows you to quickly determine a route and save the results to either a feature service or CSV file. In order to use the Service Feasibility widget, a network analysis map service is required.

To configure the Service Feasibility widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Add a new service feasibility widget to your web application, and edit the widget.
  2. Configure the widget using the following parameters:
    Parameter Description
    Closest facility service URL URL of the closest facilities REST service. This service can be a hosted network analysis map service or the ArcGIS Online Closest Facility service.
    Facility search distance Defines number of access points that are considered when determining the route.
    Impedance attribute List of impedance attributes.
    Default cut off distance Defines a maximum cutoff distance.
    Custom attribute parameter values or Travel Mode Parameters from the closest facility task. When setting these parameters, you can configure the default value or allow a user defined input of the influence. You can choose to us your organizations travel modes for a predefined set of parameters.
    Attribute parameter value lookup Comma delimited string of closest facility attribute parameters.
    Enable Selection Layer Check this option if you want to find features along the route.
    Selection layer Layer that will be summarized along the route.
    Field to be displayed in business list Field from the Businesses layer that will be displayed in the output summary.
    Buffer distance to generate service area Distance used to create the route's service area buffer.
    Buffer units Units for the buffer distance.
    Access point layers Layer or layers that will be used to determine the nearest location to an input point.
    Route result label Label to display in the route result box.
    Route length conversion units Unit to convert the route results in. Default will used the value returned by the service, which will be in map units.
    Route result expression Expression to be used to display the route result. This uses the eval function.
    Route result unit label Label to display in the route result.
    Result unit label position The location in the results (before or after) where the route result unit label will be presented to the user.
    Rounding option The number of decimal places the route result expression will be rounded to.
    Target layers to save results to layer Layer or layers that will save the results of the closest facility service.
    Selection layer Layer to save the resulting features from the closest facility selection layer.
    Route layer Layer to save the route results in.
    Field to save route length Field in the route layer to save the route length.
    Field to save selection count Field in the route layer to save the count of features in the selection layer.
    Field to save Route result expression Field in the route layer to save the route display, if you use a expression, this will be different than length.
    Route-Selection attribute transfer When enabled, ability to save a value entered on the route to each saved selection feature. For example, add the proposed route name to all businesses along the proposed route.
    Route layer field Field in the route layer to transfer to the saved selection features. This parameter is only visible when the Route-Selection attribute transfer is enabled.
    Selection layer field Field in the selection layer to include the transfer the route layer field attributes. This parameter is only visible when the Route-Selection attribute transfer is enabled.
    Export to CSV Determines if the business results will be saved to a CSV.
    Allow barriers When enabled, the user can add point, line, or polygon barriers for routing.
    Point barrier symbol Symbol used for the point barriers.
    Line barrier symbol Symbol used for the line barriers.
    Polygon barrier symbol Symbol used for the polygon barriers.
    Point location symbol Symbol used to display the resulting point locations to the user.
    Route symbol Symbol used to display the route to the user.
    Buffer symbol Symbol used to display the route's service area buffer to the user.
    Image The image used to highlight a selected result to the user. To specify your own image, click the image and select your image.
    Height The height of the highlighted image (in pixels).
    Width The width of the highlighted image (in pixels).
    Timeout The number of milliseconds the image will highlight the selected results before the animation times out.