Configure scripts

Before assigning field technicians leak surveys, it is important to know critical information such as survey areas due date. The leak survey utilizes the Automated Setup & Reporting tools to update the asset counts and survey reports. The configuration file for these scripts needs to be updated to match your layer information. To simplify the setup, a database connection file is supplied. The database name and owner are required before the layer name.

Leak survey assignments asset counts

The leak survey assignment schema include the footage of mains and number of services within the area. To update these fields, the script is provided. To configure the script, complete the following steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to Application > ReportTools > configs folder.
  2. Open the AssetCountLeakSurveyAssignments.json configuration file and update the following parameters. Each parameter should point to the appropriate layer in your geodatabase. The database name and owner are required as part of the layer name in the configuration.
    Parameter Description
    ReportingAreas The reporting areas will be your leak survey assignments layer.
    SchemaGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    ResultsGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    Data > pipes The gas mains layer.
    Data > services The gas services layer.
    Reports > ReportingAreasFilter The default filter is set up to only update surveys not completed and due in 90 days. You can update all assignments by removing this parameter.
    Reports > ReportResultSchema The leak survey grid assignment layer, since the report is updating the reporting areas (leak survey assignments) footage of mains and number of services fields.
    Reports > ReportResult The leak survey grid assignment layer, since the report is updating the reporting areas (leak survey assignments) footage of mains and number of services fields.
  3. Run UpdateAssetCountsAssignments script.

Overview areas asset counts

The reporting overview schema includes the footage of mains and the number of services fields for each assignment area. These fields can be updated by running the script. To configure the script, complete the following steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to Application > ReportTools > configs folder.
  2. Open the AssetCountDistrict.json, AssetCountSubDistrict.json and the AssetCountServiceArea.json configuration files and update the following parameters.
    Parameter Description
    ReportingAreas The reporting areas will be your service area, district or subdistrict layer.
    SchemaGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    ResultsGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    Data > pipes The gas mains layer.
    Data > services The gas services layer.
    Reports > ReportResultSchema Since the report is updated the existing data, this parameter needs to be the full name of the service area, district or subdistrict layer.
    Reports > ReportResult Since the report is updated the existing data, this parameter needs to be the full name of the service area, district or subdistrict layer.
  3. Run UpdateAssetCountsOverview script.

Overview areas survey reports

The overview areas schemas include fields to record the count of each survey type by due date interval. To update these fields, the script is provided. To configure the script, complete the following steps:

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to Application > ReportTools > configs folder.
  2. Open the LeakReportDistrict.json, LeakReportSubDistrict.json and the LeakReportServiceArea.json configuration files
    Parameter Description
    ReportingAreas The reporting areas will be your service area, district or subdistrict layer.
    SchemaGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    ResultsGDB The Enterprise GDB that the ReportingArea layer resides in.
    Data > LeakSurveyGrids The leak survey assignment areas layer
    Data > Leaks The reported gas leaks layer
    Reports > ReportResultSchema Since the report is updated the existing data, this parameter needs to be the full name of the service area, district or subdistrict layer.
    Reports > ReportResult Since the report is updated the existing data, this parameter needs to be the full name of the service area, district or subdistrict layer.
  3. Run UpdateLeakOverview script.