Release notes for 2.5

The release notes for the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox are described below.

untools version 2.5.1

The March 2020 release of the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox includes the following updates:

untools version 2.5.0

The January 2020 release of the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox includes the following updates:

  • File geodatabase utility networks are now supported.
  • Editor tracking values are now maintained during import and export.
  • Importing an asset package or exporting a utility network now preserves editor tracking information.
  • Resolved an issue where the Apply Asset Package and Export Asset Package tools were improperly validating and storing the "Is Editable" property on validation attribute rules, respectively.
  • Updated the Apply Asset Package tool:
    • Resolved an issue where the tool failed when the utility network was created in an Azure Database for PostgreSQL. This resolves BUG-000127504.
    • Resolved an issue where the tool fails when the Extent environment is set to the current display extent. This resolves BUG-000125747.
    • Stripped all unicode control characters inside the asset package tables.
    • Added validation for configuring subnetwork propagation.
    • The first release of the D_Configurations table which allows for granular removal of utility network and geodatabase features.
  • Update the Change Asset Package Spatial Reference tool:
    • Expose new environment variables in Change Asset Package Spatial Reference to support custom domains and resolutions.
  • Resolved an issue in the Export Asset Package tool where the tool would fail when an 'Unknown' parameter was set for a utility network rule. This resolves BUG-000125684.