Publish service

Once CCTV observations have been mapped, the results can be shared with your ArcGIS organization and used by utility staff to learn more about the results and defects. Select a deployment method and follow the steps below.

CCTV observations

To publish the CCTV Observations map and add it to your ArcGIS organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Publish the map as a hosted feature layer or as a feature service using ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  3. Browse to the service and edit the item details:
    • Title: CCTVObservations
    • Thumbnail image: CCTV Layers
    • Summary: A service displaying PACP CCTV observations.
    • Description: A service displaying PACP CCTV observations.
    • Tags: PACP, CCTV, Sewer