Install Python modules

Python scripts can import modules if they are in the same folder as the script. Installing the Python modules allow it to be accessible from any location and is required by some tools, such as geoprocessing models. If you receive an update to the modules, the install process can be rerun to remove.


ArcREST is a set of Python tools to assist in working with ArcGIS REST API for ArcGIS for Server, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS WebMap JSON.

ArcREST is designed for 32-bit Python 2.7 and 64-bit Python 3.4. If you have any other version of Python installed, be sure you install ArcREST using the correct version.

  1. In Window Explorer, browse to folder that contains the ArcREST and ArcRESTHelper folders and open a command prompt.
  2. Enter the following in the command prompt.
                  python.exe install
  3. If you have any issues, ensure Python is setup correctly.