The steps below describe how to download and configure your system data, and publish the results to ArcGIS Enterprise.
Create a geometric network geodatabase
Now that you have the required maps and apps, you need to download, configure, and publish the isolation trace to ArcGIS Enterprise.
- Start ArcCatalog and browse to the Water Outage Components folder.
- Expand the Tools folder and click the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox
- In the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox, double-click the Create Geometric Network Geodatabase tool to open the tool dialog box.
- Update the tool with the following parameter information:
- Set the Input classes parameter to the following feature classes:
- FireHydrant
- Fitting
- FlowValve
- HydrantValve
- Main
- PressureReducingStation
- PressureValve
- Pump
- Service
- ServiceConnection
- ServiceMeter
- ServiceValve
- Storage
- Supply
- SystemMeter
- SystemValve
- Set the Split Intersecting Lines option to Yes for SystemValve.
- Set the Output Folder location.
- Set Geodatabase Name to Outage.
- Set the Input classes parameter to the following feature classes:
- Run the tool.
Find disconnected features from sources
To review the state of your network, the Find Disconnected Features From Sources tool reviews your geometric network to find features that are not connected to the source.
- In ArcCatalog, or the Catalog window in ArcMap, browse to the Water Outage Components folder.
- Expand the Tools folder and click the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox
- In the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox, double-click the Find Disconnected Features from Sources tool to open the tool dialog box.
- Update the tool with the following parameter information:
- Set the Geometric Network parameter to the geometric network you'll use in the isolation trace.
- Set the Network controllers parameter to the following feature classes:
- Storage
- Supply
- Run the tool.
When complete, the tool dialog box shows the number of disconnected features by feature class.
- Review the PointErrors and PolylineErrors feature classes to find the disconnected features to update.
Generate a web isolation trace
The Generate Web Isolation Trace Toolbox tool is used to create the Isolation Trace toolbox and tool configured for your water network data. The resulting toolbox uses the parameters that you specified in the Generate Web Isolation Trace Toolbox tool to set parameters such as the types of asset flags and barriers should be snapped to, features that will end a trace, and the feature classes that should be returned in the result of an isolation trace.
- In ArcCatalog, browse to the Tools folder to view the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox.
- In the GeometricNetworkTools toolbox
, double-click Generate Web Isolation Trace Toolbox to open the tool dialog box.
- Update the tool with the following parameter information:
- Set the Geometric Network parameter to the geometric network you'll use in the isolation trace.
- Set the Network controllers parameter to Storage and Supply.
- Set the Flag and Barrier snapping feature classes parameter to Main.
- Set the Snapping Tolerance parameter to 50 Feet.
- Set the Isolating feature classes parameter to SystemValve.
- Set the Trace Result feature classes parameter to the following feature classes:
- FireHydrant
- HydrantValve
- ServiceConnection
- ServiceValve
- SystemValve
- Main
- Service
- Set the Output Folder location.
- Optionally set System Barriers.
- Check the Convert Codes to Descriptions check box.
- Set the Result Area Type parameter to CONVEX_HULL.
- Set the Result Buffer Distance parameter to 100 Feet.
- Run the tool.The
IsolationTrace.pyt file is created; it includes the Isolation Trace tool, configured for your organization's data.
Publish isolation trace service
A geoprocessing service is required to use the Utility Isolation Trace application. Once you have the Isolation Trace tool configured for your organization, you can trace the network and publish the geoprocessing service to ArcGIS Enterprise.
- Start ArcMap and open a new blank map.
- Browse to the Outage geodatabase and add Mains to the map.
- In the Catalog window, browse to the IsolationTrace.pyt toolbox.
- Open the Web Isolation Trace tool.
- Select the Flags feature set and place a flag anywhere on a main.
- Click OK to run the trace.The results are added to the map.
- Remove the Mains layer from the map so only the trace results remain.
- Click Geoprocessing to expand a list of options.
- Click Results to open the Results window.
- In the Results window, expand Current Session, right-click the Web Isolation Trace results, and click Share As > Geoprocessing Service.The Share as Service wizard opens.
- In the first panel of the wizard, choose Publish a service.
- Add your server connection in the Choose a connection parameter.
- Accept the default Service name, and click Next.
- Optionally specify a folder or create a folder for the service and click Continue.The Service Editor opens.
- Accept the Service Editor default options and click Publish.
The geoprocessing service is published.
Now that you've published the geoprocessing service, you can configure the web isolation trace.