Determine incident patterns

The Repeat and Near Repeat Classification tool classifies each incident as either an originator, repeat, or near repeat incident according to user-specified distance and time parameters. The tool adds a field for each distance and time band combination to the input layer. A line feature class is created to link related incidents to help visualize the spatial and temporal relationships between incidents. It also produces a summary report to help you understand the proportionality of repeat or near repeat incidents within your dataset.

To classify your incidents, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcCatalog or the Catalog window in ArcMap, browse to MapsandGeodatabase\CrimeAnalysisTools.tbx\Repeat and Near Repeat Analysis toolset and open the Repeat and Near Repeat Classification tool.
  2. In the Input Feature Class parameter, choose the Burglaries layer.
  3. In the Date Field parameter, choose the OFFENDATE field.
  4. In the Summary Report Location parameter browse to the MapsandGeodatabase directory and select the Output folder, then click Add.
  5. In the Repeat Incident Distance parameter enter value of 1 to set the maximum distance between features.
  6. In the Spatial Bands parameter type 500, 1000, and 1500 to create three spatial bands that are 500 feet from the originator incidents.
  7. In the Temporal Bands parameter type 7, 14, and 21 to create three temporal bands of 7 days from the date of the originator incidents.
  8. In the Incident Connections Workspace parameter browse to the MapsandGeodatabase folder and select the CrimeAnalysis.gdb, then click Add.
  9. Type a name in the Incident Connections Feature Class Name parameter. If the workspace already contains a dataset of this name, the existing dataset will be overwritten.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Symbolize the Burglaries using the s1000t7 field added to the table.
  12. Symbolize the Connections layer using the RPTDAYS (repeat days) field to indicate the number of days between each incident.