Understand summary statistics

The information contained in the Repeat and Near Repeat Incident Summary report contains several pieces of critical information.

  1. Estimated half-distance and half-life values calculated for each space and time band evaluated by the tool. These values can be used to populate the associated parameters in the Calculate Prediction Zones tool.
  2. Number of incidents in each space and time band. In the example data displayed below, 81 repeat incidents (those under 10ft. in distance) were observed in a 21 day time band, and 213 near repeats occurred within 1500 feet and 21 days.
  3. Percentage to the total each number represents. In the example 15% of all incidents in the dataset occurred within 10 feet and 21 days of the original incidents. In addition, 39.4% of all incidents were a near repeat, occurring within 1500 ft. and 21 days of an originating incident.

    In total, 54.4% of all incidents in the example data set were part of a repeat or near-repeat victimization pattern when we define near-repeat as within 21 days and 1500ft. This high-proportion of repeat and near-repeats phenomena suggests that an operational strategy based on patrolling in these high-risk areas would be an efficient use of resources.

    Repeat and Near Repeat Incident Summary report