Configure organization settings

The model organization provides material to assist in the configuration of your organization settings. Changing these settings control the look and feel, the default extent, the roles of your users, and more.

Configure the following for your organization using your administrator account:

Setting Description
General settings Configure the general setting to set the name, thumbnail, and description of your site. Additional settings include default language and region.
Home page Configure the home page to set up the look and functionality of your organization's home page. The BannerTemplate.ppt document can be used to create a home page banner for your organization. This template can be modified to include a banner image of your choosing. When you've finished designing your banner, it can be exported to PNG or JPG format and added to your home page.
Gallery Configure the gallery to choose what content to highlight in the gallery. Select the Gallery group.
Map viewer Configure the map viewer to choose basemaps and templates your organization uses. Select the following groups:
  • Basemap Gallery: Select the Basemaps group and check the box to Share the Esri default basemaps
  • Web App Templates: Select the Web App Templates group and check the box to Share the Esri default configurable application templates
Item details Configure the item details to disable comments on the detail page of items owner by your organization.
Groups Configure groups to choose groups featured on the Groups and My Organization pages of your site. Select the following:
  • Gallery Applications: Select the Gallery group
Roles Configure custom roles to add control and flexibility to existing roles.
Utility services Configure the utility settings to set a custom print, route, and geocoding service.
Security Settings Configure the security settings to determine whether SSL is required for all transactions, whether anonymous access is allowed, and other security settings.